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Everything posted by Orangehair43

  1. Danish politicians are on Twitter calling for a boycott. Their government won’t be able to ignore the demands.
  3. The Goverment has said many times GB athletes will not be allowed to go a games with Russians.
  4. GB. Ukriane. Latvia, Lithuania. Denmark. Estonia habe all said they will not compete with Russians.
  6. Mass Boycott is coming .
  8. With so many countires predicted to now boycott the games all these predictions will have to change,
  9. The British Government has said GB shouldn’t compete in such a circumstance.
  10. Looking more and more likely a major boycott is coming due to the return of the Russians. 1980 Mark 2 it seems.
  11. Who repulses Ukraine if they boycott the Games as is looking more and more likely?
  12. It’s always quite arbitrary across football. Needs a stopped clock system like most other team sports really,
  13. It’s impossible to calculate because so many teams are likely to withdraw over the return of the Russians there will be lots and lots of last minute replacements in many sports. Men’s’ football for example has Ukriane who will withdraw and be replaced by who? Georgia? Switzerland? Portugal?
  14. Looks like many countires will boycott as the IOC is bringing the Russians back. 1980 mark 2.
  15. Why are these championships going ahead. It will be a b list one and create lots of world champions who won’t get anywhere near the podium in Paris.
  16. Kenya is too chaotic a country to run a proper state sponsored doping regime and cover it well.
  17. I wonder if ultimately it will end up with World athletics moving the entire qualifying system to rankings and taking away team abilities to reject places.
  18. I can see the BBC pushing heavily on the limited team sizes. It is proven that a lack of British interest lowers ratings in events. The world championships did not do particularly well in the ratings.
  19. Trump confirms he will reinstate his travel bans if he gets relented. FIFA and the IOC should prepare for countries to be refused entry to the USA.
  20. GB will very much only send about 25 individual athletes plus relay. Even stricter than Budapest
  21. Could be a pretty small and dated mainstadium.
  22. The actual pot of money within the lottery is dropping as it is suffering reduced player numbers,
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