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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/08/2023 in all areas

  1. He really missed his opportunity with the 2026 Commonwealth Games which might actually be cancelled
    4 points
  2. Apparently the Tokyo Olympics never happened either. Or else your predictions were completely and utterly trash …..
    4 points
  3. and are the four qualifiers for this event. 2 time champion fail to qualify.
    3 points
  4. Perfect! The kind of subtle insult we all understand but no-one else does.
    3 points
  5. A speed event has been completed, holy baby Yoda
    3 points
  6. Also, Bach falling for Russian propaganda is even less surprising than when I went out in the rain and ended up wet.
    3 points
  7. No, one person does, because he needs a reason for every single Olympics to fail in some way, preferably by being cancelled, and for Paris this is the most obvious to have under his Ctrl + V Oh well, everyone is entitled to their fun I suppose
    3 points
  8. Some people here still believe in the Olympic boycott?
    3 points
  9. Good luck in finding that wording, here is the letter !
    3 points
  10. people are clearly unable to grasp that the IOC has killed the Olympics today by letting the Russians back.
    3 points
  11. Neka bude zapisano. Stub srama.
    3 points
  12. 'Sir' 'Seb' Coe being against this makes it seem being in favour of this is actually the right thing to do.....
    2 points
  13. GB? the "Nation" that didn't even boycott entirely Moscow 1980? they will never have the balls to take such decision! and stop trolling around! we all know that you're a lost catastrophist...and nothing of what you say is going to become true.
    2 points
  14. Final results ILCA 7 ILCA 6 Men's IQFoil Women's IQFOIL (Not enough NOCs compiting) Men's kite Women's kite
    2 points
  15. Who are the members of this board??? I WANT TO PRINT OUT THEIR NAMES, PUT THEM ON THE BOARD AND CHECK HOW THEY'RE DOING NEXT DECEMBER... i am so disappointed, i mean i felt it coming but still...
    2 points
  16. "Ukraine had threatened to boycott the Games if the ban was not upheld but Ukraine's sports minister Vadym Huttsait told Reuters in July it could drop that threat if Russian and Belarusian athletes were made to compete under a neutral flag"
    2 points
  17. Not showing up to a sports event is strength for the Brits now ? Wow, the British empire has fallen
    2 points
  18. Do you actually believe a struggling government would risk the wrath of the “great British sporting public” over this? What world do you live in?
    2 points
  19. There will be a “boycott” in the sense that we only send a low-ranking official to the Opening Ceremony, but the Team will go.
    2 points
  20. Followed by, the moment Tokyo actually happened, Beijing being cancelled due to COVID
    2 points
  21. Except that the UK isn't boycotting It would obviously be a bit of a serious deal if they do (and if other countries follow), simply because they're one of the top-10 countries in world sports, but....they're not boycotting....that's just not going to happen, it's hard to find words on how to make that even clearer
    2 points
  22. Any nation besides Ukraine won't boycot unless maybe when Ukraine asks them. And even then it is only maybe at best. What I think is most problematic is that many of these Russian athletes could have doped themselves to hell and back the last years because there was no regulation whatsoever. Really helps in training. On the other hand, missing relevant international competition really sets back, so maybe it evens out.
    2 points
  23. Without trying to be shot or something, so treading very carefully: I can't say I am entirely unhappy with certain Russian and Belarussian athletes being allowed to compete in Paris under a neutral flag and when fulfilling certain individual criteria. The entire situation is a massive hot mess and it is going to be utterly impossible to agree on which one solution is the best thing, but this one seems at the very least slightly acceptable (and better than both excluding every single Russian and Belarussian athlete no matter what or letting every single one in).
    2 points
  24. You send a page of a random Ukrainian Twitter user saying they want Ukraine to boycott Paris 2024, and you’re calling that proof? Who the heck is that?
    2 points
  25. Moguls WC Idre Fjäll, Sweden Women Gold- Jakara Anthony (79.74) Silver- Rino Yanagimoto (72.42) Bronze- Olivia Giacco (72.16) With Perrine Lafont choosing to focus on the upcoming major Championships (2025 Worlds and 2026 Olympics) and Anri Kawamura still recovering from injury, it was hers to lose. Men Gold- Mikael Kingsbury (85.02) Silver- Nick Page (79.55) Bronze- Filip Gravenfors (79.53) 80th WC victory for Mikael, and his 116th career podium in 136 (!!) starts! That’s over 85% (85.29%) of the time on the podium, and over 58% (58.82%) of the time winning. Anyone know why Matt Graham and Benjamin Cavet aren’t competing? Full Results
    2 points
  26. Stage 9 in St. Moritz (SUI) Women´s Super-G: 1. Sofia Goggia 1:16.63 2. Cornelia Huetter 1:17.58 3. Lara Gut-Behrami 1:17.65 Full Final Results HERE
    2 points
  27. Ski Cross WC Val Thorens, France Women Gold- Daniela Maier Silver- Brittany Phelan Bronze- Marielle Berger Sabbatel First non-Naeslund win since December 14, 2021 in Arosa (since then has recorded 22 straight wins, including the 2023 Worlds title/2022 Olympic title and 18 World Cup gold medals) where she finished 4th. Men Gold- Jared Schmidt (Wasn’t expecting this, if anyone, thought it would’ve been Howden or Mahler. Now normally, I wouldn’t include Mahler as a medal contender, but he breezed through the rounds up until the big final yesterday) Silver- David Mobaerg Bronze- Johannes Rohrweck Youri Duplessis Kergomard was originally listed as the winner, but now he’s listed as 4th. Full Results
    2 points
  28. Not only did Sandra Naeslund fail to win, but she finishes off the podium too?
    2 points
  29. Naeslund lost. Shocking.
    2 points
  30. I could see a compromise where a Haudenosaunee team would play a ceremonial game to start off the tournament
    2 points
  31. Stoecker won her 1st World Cup stage. And it's only her 2nd participation ever.
    2 points
  32. Let them compete instead of the US team or the Canadian team. Just as England/Scotland represent UK in a number of team sports. Let Haudenosaunee represent USA (or Canada) in Lacrosse.
    2 points
  33. Apparently we have Omega livescore
    2 points
  34. Breaking news. Lake Placid has put forth an offer to host sliding sports for the 2026 Winter Olympics, which are scheduled to take place in Italy, where organizers are struggling to provide a venue for bobsled, luge and skeleton racing. The U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee announced the bid after its quarterly meeting Thursday, only two days after the chief of the Milan-Cortina Games said it is possible the hosts could come up with a new proposal to build a track.
    2 points
  35. Draw results Group A Concacaf 5 ( or ) Group B Group C Group D Concacaf 6 ( or )
    2 points
  36. 2 points
  37. There will be no meaningful boycott.
    2 points
  38. well, that's another story Old Italian IOC Member Franco Carraro said that most likely there won't be any high ranking official to the Opening Ceremony because they (and also the organizers, even if they will never admit that) are afraid of a possible terrorist attack by the Islamic supporters related to the vs Hamas (& friends) current situation the only people outside and still talking of that conflict are those idiots running the EU, nobody else cares about that anymore
    1 point
  39. This is the best one-liner here this year. And we are in an early December.
    1 point
  40. Oh dear, I hope that by 2036 Putler will be gone already long time and new Russia will be finally free, so yep Moscow 2036 would be cool symbolic nice idea in that case
    1 point
  41. I have it in my contract, i am unavailable during olympics.
    1 point
  42. Alright. Which reminds me, almost 2024, meaning the vacation system for next year will open up at work, so it's almost time to register three weeks of Olympics vacation Which is significantly more likely to happen than a (mass) boycott, by the way Still super curious what your "Cortina 2026 will fail/be cancelled" pitch is going to be.
    1 point
  43. intoronto

    Freestyle skiing

    With a huge score too! Nice rebound for him.
    1 point
  44. Pools have just been announced for VNL 2024. As a reminder, the top five unqualified nations in the World Rankings (including an African country, which is pretty much guaranteed to be Kenya as no African nation will be competing in events that’ll add points towards their World Ranking) after the end of the preliminary phase will qualify for Paris. Here’s the countries still in contention: Italy (338.97 pts) China (329.65 pts) Japan (305.09 pts) Netherlands (287.94 pts) Canada (265.66 pts) — Kenya (162.42 pts) China and Italy seem safe to qualify. For Japan, it would take a disastrous VNL for them to fall behind both Netherlands and Canada, don’t see it happening. IMO it’ll be between us and the Netherlands for the final quota. Kenya has pretty much locked up the African quota. Week 1 (May 14-19, 2024) Antalya, Turkey Turkey Italy Poland Japan Germany Netherlands Bulgaria France Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Brazil United States Serbia China Canada Dominican Republic South Korea Thailand Week 2 (May 28- June 2, 2024) Macau, China China Italy Brazil Japan Dominican Republic Netherlands Thailand France Arlington, Texas United States Turkey Poland Serbia Germany Canada Bulgaria South Korea Week 3 (June 11-16, 2024) Hong Kong, China China Turkey Brazil Poland Dominican Republic Germany Thailand Bulgaria TBC, Japan Japan United States Italy Serbia Canada Netherlands France South Korea
    1 point
  45. Patinage de vitesse : les Championnats de France sont confirmés. Ce sera le week-end prochain à Inzell. Un championnat chapeauté par la FFRS, ce qui peut apparemment poser problème pour les néophytes, souvent (dans un premier temps), transfuges temporaires du short-track, donc licenciés FFSG. Les quelques essais de jeunes qui ont eu lieu ici et là sont tous issus des clubs de glace, le roller va-t-il mettre en place une passerelle ? Paul Lenglin dont j'ai parlé plus haut continue d'abaisser ses chronos, malheureusement il est trop jeune pour prendre part aux CDM junior cette saison. Retour sur les première CDM avant la quatrième ce week-end à Tomaszów Mazowiecki. Obihiro : Loubineaud : 12ème (mass-start A), 16ème (5000 B) Belloir (Mathieu) : 12ème (mass-start B), 14ème (1500 B) Thiébault : 22ème (1000 B) Poursuite par équipe : 10ème (4ème B) Pékin : Loubineaud : 6ème (mass-start A), 18ème (5000 B) Belloir : 17ème (1500 B), DNF (mass-start B) Stavanger : Loubineaud : 7ème (mass-start A), 18ème (10000 B) Belloir : 2ème (mass-start B), 12ème (1500 B) Loubineaud en difficulté sur les distances classiques, assez loin de ses records et du haut du tableau mais très en vue sur les mass-starts. Il ne passe pas loin à Stavanger, son groupe d'échappée se fait reprendre à quelques encablures de la ligne et il se fait bousculer et perd une ou deux places. Belloir pas chanceux sur les deux premières, mieux en Norvège, s'il pouvait être promu sur la course A les deux Français pourraient jouer en équipe. Deuxième PPE ce week-end en Pologne, Giovanni Trebouta va faire ses débuts en CDM, sur 5000m probablement, à voir qui est aligné sur la poursuite. Short-track : retour de la CDM à Pékin cette semaine. Délégation réduite pour la France, qui devrait même faire l'impasse sur la suivante à Séoul puisque les CDF sont apparemment prévus en même temps. Les plus jeunes étaient alignés ces deux dernières semaines sur la nouvelle CDM junior, avec des résultats intéressants pour Tawan Thomas (2ème d'un 500m) et Bérénice Comby (sur 500 aussi, une finale). Les Français sont plutôt performants hors Asiatiques qui écrasent complètement la concurrence (donc face aux Européens et Canadiens). La mauvaise nouvelle c'est qu'Aurélie Monvoisin ne semble pas revenir de sa grave blessure. Elle a disputé une compétition en Italie où elle est restée loin du compte, se faisant déposer par des filles qu'elle battait très sereinement avant. Bobsleigh : début "officiel" de la Coupe du Monde à La Plagne ce week-end. Un bob féminin (Boch) et un skeletoneur (Defayet) seulement à la maison.
    1 point
  46. Exactly, treat you native people with dignity. Imagine if every country would ask for a team of each of they ethnicities.....
    1 point
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