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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/2019 in all areas

  1. Final Standing available here sami-eg bestmen Monzanator What a roller-coaster this prediction contest was Just like Serbia, @NikolaB started crushing everyone on his road just to disappear after First round! @heywoodu and myself were enjoying great start as well. Then there were @LDOG, @toulousain, @africaboy lingering around the top 3 just to choke at the end, with LDOG making double fault on the match point. But some of them persisted. I am not sure, but I think this is the first gold medal for @sami-eg in predictions contests although I remember him winning some medal earlier. Anyway, great picking throughout and new medal for Egypt this season! Congratulation It appears that Africa is the best, after all. @bestmen being the best when it is the most important. Or simply, more lucky then everyone else Anyway, congratulation on deserved silver medal It would have been clean sweep for Africa if @amen09 had been better on Day 12 (or any before), for now he is sitting on the seventh place while @Monzanator grabs another medal for himself and Poland, this time bronze one! Congrats! "I know nothing"- @hckosice was a bit short at the end, I believe the screeching noises disturbed him, players didn't slide smoothly as he expected. Among the Romanian duo, @ady48 finished at better position, despite being all the time behind the compatriot. Another special mention goes to @Sindo who, I think, participated in prediction contest for the first time after... I don't know. I remember him giving up on prediction contest during Deuce's management. Place 12 on comeback this time. I hope some other users will come out of the hiatus and join the prediction contests again. Rugby World Cup is ahead of us and then Canoe Slalom and Athletics Worlds following in 4 days, one by one. Thank you all who participated!
    6 points
  2. WORLD CHAMPIONS!!! I think nobody here in Spain expected this a few weeks ago, but it is incredible to win this title 13 years after the first time. The only thing I am sad is not having Pau Gasol in the roster, because he deserved this more than anyone else.
    3 points
  3. he did what he usually does best...accepting generous gifts...
    3 points
  4. let's take a look at tomorrow draw, this time I prefer to be more optimistic toward the Iranian wrestlers. 60: 1) looks very easy for Emelin, none of these guys can touch Emelin, maybe small chance for Temirov. but this is actually very good for Temirov. with Emelin being the huge favorite for going to the final. Temirov is next in line for the quota. 2) I can see Ainagulov and Lizatovic winning two matches to face each other in very important QF match. being a former world medalist and most important being from the host nation I give more chance to the Kazakh guy. with Emelin waiting the winner in the SF, they both know they have to win the QF. 3) we have 3 big names in this quarter, Fumita, Ciobanu and Tasmuradov. as far as I know Fumita beat Ota in japanese trials and forced him to try his chance in a non-Olympic weight and today we saw how good Ota is. that makes me think how good is Fumita ?! he lost at the Asian Champs but I think that was an accident. I think the winner from this quarter will go to the final. it's hard to pick between these 3 big names. 4) as usual we have more wrestlers in the last quarter, I see 8-9 wrestlers trying for the quota from this part. they are mostly in the same level. there is no clear favorite here. I go with my favorite wrestler Zholchubekov but this is wide open for everybody. our wrestler in this part is lucky to get TKM in the first round. then he needs 3 big wins for the quota. something like 10% for him I guess. my picks: 77: 1) I'm sure the last wrestler Geraei wanted to face in the first round was Kim HW and he got Kim !! Geraei is probably our last chance for something more than bronze here. the good thing is if you lose to Kim. he can put you back in the repechage. there are some other "good" wrestlers in this quarter, like POL, AZE, GEO, MDA and even SWE but I think the winner of Geraei/Kim will go all the way. Geraei also has to pray for other wrestlers to take care of the Israeli guy. you know why. 2) no huge favorite but still there are 3-4 good wrestlers here. it will be close between Cengiz, Starcevic, Liakh and even Chalyan. I give more chance to the Turk but this is far from being a sure thing. 3) this is the "easiest" quarter in this weight IMO. looks easy for the other Lorincz, the German guy is the Euro silver medalist, he is probably the biggest treat for Lorincz but I think he can manage. 4) there are some good wrestlers here but no need to mention them because we have two very big names here. Vlasov and Nemes. I think one of them will go to the final and bring the other one back for the bronze medal. my picks: 130: 1) on paper it looks very easy for the world champion Semenov. but I know our wrestler Monjazi here is very tricky. he is a big thrower but still Semenov is the clear favorite. I expect Semenov to go to the final, in this case Monazi will be favorite against whoever comes from the other side, UKR or UZB. 2) I think the 2nd round match between Pino and Heiki Lucky will determine the Olympic quota from this side, I pick Pino even though I don't know how much prepared he is. he was training freestyle in past few months. the possible SF between Pino and Semenov will detemine the other quota. knowing how lucky is Heiki. I won't be surprised if Pino finds a way to win the SF. 3) this quarter is the easiest by far, no big name here, the Korean Kim surprised everybody last year but I don't think this is going to happen again. I think Pop from Germany will win the quota. he was terrible recently but this is a draw he could only dream of. I see only the Azerbaijani-Georgian guy a serious challenger. 4) some big names here, Kayaalp is the huge favorite. I don't think anybody can beat him here. the next quota will be between Kajaia and Acosta from Chile. there are some other good wrestlers though. my picks:
    2 points
  5. Chusovitina giving some lessons to her grandchildren I see.
    2 points
  6. Gasol was simply unplayable today, Scola and Delia couldn't defend him nor get around him in defense unlike what happened with Jokic or Gobert in the previous games. Also our team's 3pt% was completely absent today and when that happens Argentina can't compete with the big size teams. All in all a great tournament. Probably this bad final will make the average sport fan and the media here forget about the team by tomorrow but they did something completely unexpected.
    2 points
  7. Czech Republic saved a very complicated situation in the 9th inning (bases loaded and no out) and won 4-3 the 5th place match against Germany... with this success, they also earn the last spot available for the Olympic Qualification Tournament (in a few days in Italy)...
    2 points
  8. Kadžaja u PF, uz malu dozu sreće
    2 points
  9. That's when your setpoint is so impressive you get three bonus points
    2 points
  10. The US delegation is becoming very impatient. We might just have to buy Greenland to catch the organizers attention. Also, If the US host city isn’t Nuuk than why do we even do this anymore
    2 points
  11. Expected individual Olympic qualifiers: Dark horses for individual qualification: Expected group Olympic qualifiers: Dark horses for group qualification: Groups already qualified: Expected tripartite invitation:
    1 point
  12. Thats what i need. I am total begginer in this so searching web without any assistance would be painfull experience. But this is another story.
    1 point
  13. you know we are a unique country, even our trials are unique we never had a fixed rule about the trials . it changes year by year. mostly because our top wrestlers usually try to avoid the trials, they are afraid of losing. if you heard about Hamid Sourian, he is our most accomplished wrestler but he NEVER wrestled any kind of trials inside Iran ! this is unbelievable ! the only match he wrestled in Iran in his entire senior career was a league match which he lost by technical fall !! for few years our wrestling federation announced they will be very serious about the trials. still half of our top wrestlers didn't show up. of course they always make excuses, some last minute injury. some family emergency things like that. actually we got weaker in past few years mostly because the federation tried to stick to the rule. therefore we had weaker teams in past few years. also some people (including myself) believe some wrestlers are only good for local competitions. we have some wrestlers who dominated everybody in Iran but never won anything internationally. this year our federation was ruined because the previous president resigned, temporary presidents can't do anything. this year it was totally up to the coaches , the whole process is like we have a competition early in the season, that's open for everybody. they pick few guys from each weight, add them to the current national wrestlers, then test all of them in various tournaments, (Asian Championships, World Cup, other tournaments) they choose their team based on those results but then if they can't decide, we will have direct matches between the candidates. but in Greco our coach simply doesn't believe in the trials. he sent everybody (two in each weight) to a tournament in Georgia, whoever wins , also wins the spot in the team. but in freestyle we had direct trials in Iran in 5 Olympic weights. (all Olympic weights except 57kg) now we elected a new wrestling federation president but I assume he won't change a thing for the next year. I think we will follow the same pattern for the Olympics. to give you a better image, this is our trial final at 86kg freestyle in Tehran in packed 12000 stadium. with Olympic Champion Hassan Yazdani facing World U23 Champion Kamran Ghasempour Yazdani is our only gold medal chance here, but still he has to wrestle the trials (and didn't receive a direct place in the world team) because Ghasempour was also pretty good and deserved a chance.
    1 point
  14. if you like reading... meanwhile, if you prefer watching (and listening)... however, you can find a lot of tutorials (both written and/or as a video) around the web...
    1 point
  15. yeah, today he was so impressive against a talented guy like Maryanyan... his move looks like a spinning/rotating head lock (I have to watch his match again and listen to the english sound to hear how they call it)'s really spectacular...and I think the key for a move like that is more the precise grab and the speed of the execution rather than the pure strenght, so I think it might work well also at 67kg...
    1 point
  16. they have a very interesting rule in Japan wrestling. whoever wins a medal here, will secure a spot for the Olympic team. specially in women's wrestling their 2019 World team trial was also like the Olympic trial. if Fumita medals here, Ota has no other option but trying 67kg and I think even today (with 4kg less weight) he could beat their 67kg wrestler who was very weak. his favorite technique (I don't know what's the English word for that but we call it "Fito" in Iran) needs lots of power to excute . it will be hard for him to do that to heavier wrestlers but this guy is fantastic. I would try my chance if I was him.
    1 point
  17. All Around individual finals on Friday, and Groups All Around competition on Saturday, if you're looking for Olympic qualification only. Both will be streamed in FIG's Youtube channel, along with apparatus finals on Tuesday (hoop, ball), Thursday (clubs, ribbon), and Sunday (Groups 5 balls, 3 hoops/2 clubs)
    1 point
  18. I think you're a bit too make the top 10, you need more than 10 gold medals...and frankly I don't see Brazil going that far, even if they could (easily?) win 2 gold medals in skateboarding and 1 in surfing...
    1 point
  19. I can promise you that made the (football) news here as well
    1 point
  20. yeah that was in the news, apparently this is the first time for an Iranian player scoring 4 goals in a match in one of the European leagues. btw he is kind of Dutch, Netherlands is his "home" he lives almost his whole life there. aside from his long name, the interesting thing about him is he is also a hero here. he scored the goal which qualified Iran to the 2014 World Cup. he will be always remembered because of this goal
    1 point
  21. Like going to one of the billion other places with less risk
    1 point
  22. so this is how looks in Boxing a match winner
    1 point
  23. he is not the favorite for sure but none of these guys are impossible to beat for him. so yes of course he has a chance, not big but realistic. it's a bit hard to remember every match when you follow 2-3 mats at the same time but if I remember correctly despite the final score, Huklik (CRO) created more problems for Beleniuk.
    1 point
  24. Here:
    1 point
  25. Huge score for Egypt's Ali Zahran on rings. He could even win a medal at the World Championships with this score! Also, Japan is on fire. They sent a bunch of unknown gymnasts and even so, some scores were well over 15. Fantastic!
    1 point
  26. Sad, but it's the only smart move one can take. I'm happy the few protestant (I think, Christian, but definitely not Catholic) people I know couldn't care less about someone's sexual orientation as long as it makes them happy.
    1 point
  27. I am sure Spanish players played for Pau also. Incredible performance for Spain without Abrines, Mirotic and S. Rodriguez! It seems this team has fantastic chemistry and this also should attributed to coach Scariolo as well. Congratulations to Argentina also who continue to play in high level for years after gold generation players almost all except Scola retired. I am sure that campazzo, Laprovitolla, vildoza and deck will go on to carry the team at world elite in following years
    1 point
  28. Каџаја је квалитетан борац и он ће до Игара у Токију освојити медаљу на неком од наредних великих такмичења, мислим на европско, односно светско првенство. Навикао се на наш систем рада, сјајно је прихваћен, има подршку и зато му је пораз у Новом Саду, без обзира што је дошао од великог шампиона, тешко пао. Он ће се у Токију, са оваквим радом и условима, борити за медаљу – рекао је Жељко Трајковић. Prorocke rijeci iz 2017.
    1 point
  29. Tacnije 6, al ne mijenja stvar. Necu da ga ureknem ali je ovo dobra sansa.
    1 point
  30. I think the seeding will be according to FIBA rankings, so not only FIBA WC will be important. I can't see Czechs getting into that first pot. But it was a great result for you at the WC. And without Vesely in the lineup. Huge.
    1 point
  31. prso1000

    Croatia National Thread

    Evo situacije u taekwondo nakon Japana F49: 1. THA 536; 2. KOR 384; 3. Tomić HRV 280; 4. TUR 271; 5. SRB 246; 6. CAN 217; 7. VIE 210 F57: 1. GBR 435; 2. KOR 410; 3. TUR 367; 4. RUS 336; 5. CAN 297; 6. Glasnovic HRV 267; 7. LAT 259 F67 1. TUR 363; 2. CHN 362; 3. Jelić HRV 329; 4. KOR 319; 5. USA 312; 6. GBR 300; 7. FRA 276 M63 1. KOR 463; 2. GBR 360; 3. CHN 327; 4. JOR 306; 5. IRI 284; 6. BEL 265; 7. ESP 265 8. Brečić HRV 247 M80 1. RUS 478; 2. AZE 387; 3. CIV 349; 4. UZB 271; 5. ESP 259; 6. EGY 239; 7. NOR 238; 8. Kanaet HRV 226
    1 point
  32. Wumo

    Denmark National Thread

    Denmark at the 2020 Olympics Qualified Athletes/Quotas Wrestling Quotas: Men's -67kg Greco-Roman: 1 Total number of athletes qualified for 2020 Olympics: 41
    1 point
  33. don't worry...this is just a dream of some people using news like this for electoral purposes... there's no way this is a realistic bid...
    1 point
  34. I think I'm proud of our very young wrestlers today, they did all they could , all 3 of them are still alive in the repechage. even though Tab has no chance even if Borrero makes it to the final. he still has to go through Stabler and Ryu ! Saravi did great at 97, losing only 4-3 to the great Aleksanyan. he had 3 tough matches before this. I'm almost sure Aleksanyan will bring him back into the repechage. but what can I say about 87kg quarterfinal ? why always this guy ? this is the 3rd time this guy Kudla is beating our wrestlers without actually doing anything offensively. Olympics 2016, Worlds 2017 and now this. I give him credit for being great defensively , he is really tough to score on. almost impossible in standing position, but this is not fair. he didn't deserve the win today. he did absolutely nothing. Taheri was much more active, I saw so many times in this tournament they gave a 3rd caution to finish the match 2-1. but of course when it comes to an Iranian wrestler, we can never expect a 3rd caution in favor of us. nothing wrong with Taheri, he did everything in his power to win the watch, they always arrange the cautions in a way Kudla ends up the winner.
    1 point
  35. Lesotho have qualified their first athlete for Tokyo. Men's Marathon (Athletics)
    1 point
  36. quota for in 67 kg GR
    1 point
  37. Actually the result in 2nd set was 28-30. I know that it's a mistake but looks funny
    1 point
  38. 28-20 seems pretty good It`s a joke of course
    1 point
  39. The Asian quota for Shun Murakami The men's competition result: 1- Italo Ferreira 2- Kolohe Andino 3- Gabriel Medina And, I haven't seen the result of team points yet, but I believe that gold goes to Brazil.
    1 point
  40. You and I have already hashed out my feelings about Italy getting the 2026 Winter Games. Please don't tell me you guys are now asking for another one six years later...
    1 point
  41. I think it comes to the Europeans mastering the rotational technique which used to be USA's calling card for years. I guess some study must show it's more effective and let's face it, it's all about technique in the shot, not about raw power. David Storl is just about the only top European still using the push off and he's basically in decline for a while now. Polish guys didn't use the rotational due to the historical aspect of Wladyslaw Komar & Edward Sarul not to mention small, bulky guys like Haratyk didn't stand a chance to even make the shot put team.
    1 point
  42. Yes those have published for a few months. We posted them on an earlier page .
    1 point
  43. anybody watching the South American Championship final ? I'm sure I'm not the only one in this forum watching this a bit info for other users to know why this match is special, Brazil won this tournament 31 out of 32 times !! and the only time they didn't win, because they didn't participate !! both teams are here almost with A team , but both of them missing 2-3 star players (Bruno, Lucarelli, Wallace, De Checco, Conte, Sole). still this is a GREAT match, Argentina was leading 2-0 and something like 16-10 in 3rd set. they had 4-5 match points but Brazil came back somehow and stole the 3rd set 31-29. there was also a red card against Argentina at 22-21. from 22-20 to 23-20 it turned into 22-22 because of a dubious call. Argentina was flawless until some point in the 3rd set, but I think it will be like Brazil-Bulgaria in OQT.
    1 point
  44. To be fair, a very significant portion of those over 1 billion people probably don't care much at all
    1 point
  45. Barbora Mokošová thankfully raising her form before the Tokyo qualifiers in Stuttgart qualifying for two finals in the WC in Szombathely with 3rd places in the Balance Beam and Uneven Bars qualification
    1 point
  46. Legend and one of my favorite athletes Ronnie The Rocket O Sulliven achieved 1000th century in winning Players Championships.
    1 point
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