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Everything posted by vinipereira

  1. Just like @intoronto predicted a few days ago, São Paulo is interested in hosting the 2027 Pan American Games in case Barranquilla can't. Apparently, the colombian city is late in paying $8mi for the hosting rights
  2. I think so, at least that's the expectation from Brazilian Gymnastics - to get the only quota available (best AA after and which already qualified a full team). But apparently the 2024 World Cup series has priority over this? Meaning that someone like Zanetti (unlikely) could get a Rings quota and then the Pan American Games spot would go to another nation (assuming Brazil gets this quota, which is already difficult).
  3. In Gymnastics, Rebeca Andrade won't do the AA so Brazil probably not only has lost this medal but also a possible team gold. She's a favourite on Vault and Bars, but has american competition. Hopefully Flavia Saraiva can win a gold in any event. Without Caio Souza, Brazil isn't a favourite in any event on the men's side. Curiously enough, Arthur Nory will compete in AA for the first time in years (he doesn't do Rings), trying to get the Olympic quota.
  4. 5-8 Swimming 4-6 Gymnastics (Rhythmic) 3-5 Judo 2-4 Gymnastics (Artistic) 2-3 Table Tennis 1-5 Athletics 1-3 Sailing 1-2 Beach Volleyball 1-2 Boxing 1-2 Canoeing Slalom 1-2 Handball 1-2 Skateboarding 1-2 Surfing 1-2 Taekwondo 0-1 Archery 0-1 Badminton 0-1 Basketball 0-1 Canoeing Sprint 0-1 Cycling BMX 0-1 Equestrian 0-1 Fencing 0-1 Football 0-1 Gymnastics (Trampoline) 0-1 Karate 0-1 Open Water 0-1 Roller Skating (Artistic) 0-1 Rugby Sevens 0-1 Tennis 0-1 Triathlon 0-1 Volleyball Total: 26 to 64 gold medals
  5. I think some of the venues are old or need a little refurbishment. Maybe not a huge factor for the Pan Am Games? About the OC, maybe in one of the bigger stadiums? But I really would love if they did something different.
  6. Now it's official: São Paulo is bidding to host the 2031 Pan American Games. I guess Rio's plans won't go any further? @LuizGuilherme and @Laraja while São Paulo is a rich city with many venues, I would say they'll have much more work to be done than Rio in case they win the hosting rights. Anyway, I would love a multi-sport games in SP since I have family there - and they live pretty close to a subway station
  7. With the support of the Brazilian Olympic Committee, there will be a "São Paulo house" in Santiago, where they should announce their plans in hosting the 2031 Pan American Games (source).
  8. flagbearers for the opening ceremony: Tokyo bronze medalists Fernando Scheffer (Swimming) and Luisa Stefani (Tennis).
  9. Apparently more than a thousand keys from the Pan American village were not identified with the corresponding department number. Kinda funny story, except for the volunteers who had to test the keys one by one
  10. European Sitting Volleyball quotas: Men's: Women's: First time italian women have qualified.
  11. First brazilian athletes have arrived at the village, which indeed looks beautiful. Pictured, the Gymnastics team.
  12. Apparently is the first landlocked nation to win gold at the World championships.
  13. + a 4th place at the 2021 World Championships and currently 4th in ranking. So maybe we have a chance to qualify pending on the system.
  14. João Luiz Ribeiro, first brazilian gymnast to compete at the Olympics (finished second to last in the 1980 AA). He was also part of the team which won our first ever Pan American Games medal in Gymnastics (bronze in 1979).
  15. I don't know why Colombia didn't pick another city but I don't think Barranquilla will step down Rio already has a lot of the arenas done, but it would need another athletes village, which I guess isn't that hard to pull off.
  16. Brazil is going with 622 athletes, which I think ranks third after and ? Anyway, here some final adjustments in the Time Brasil building. From the little I've seen, I'm in love with the look of this village
  17. I guess if any city from or would bid, they would be an instant favorite. But I hope for a Pan in Rio, SP or even Buenos Aires. They're all great cities and I could attend
  18. São Paulo has shown some interest in hosting the 2031 Pan American Games (source). As previously reported, Rio also has it in its plans (source). That would be the 4th consecutive South American city to host, so probably other bids from Central/North America will be favored?
  19. Ainda tem algumas coisas para terminar a temporada, mas vamos às previsões de medalhas por esporte: Boas ou grandes chances de medalhar Boxe (1-2): o resultado em Tóquio nos faz ficar confiantes sobre esse esporte, mas a seleção não parece estar tão forte nesse ciclo? Beatriz, claro, é nossa melhor chance. Canoagem Velocidade (1-2): dependemos totalmente do Isaquias. Ano não foi dos melhores até agora. Ginástica artística (2-4): depende muito do fato das ginastas estarem saudáveis ou não. Numa competição muito boa, Rebeca pode ajudar o Brasil a ganhar umas 4 medalhas aqui. Num dia ruim (ou sem ela), 1 medalha pode ser alcançada (seja com Flávia ou alguma masculina caso Caio esteja num ótimo dia). Judô (2-3): no mínimo duas medalhas da combinação Mayra/Rafaela/Beatriz/Daniel/Rafael. Skate (2-3): menos de duas medalhas aqui seria bem ruim. Surfe (1-2): só um desastre para o Brasil não ganhar uma medalha no masculino? Vôlei de praia (1-2): Duda e Ana Patrícia são favoritas e tomara que consigam manter a grande fase ano que vem. Chances moderadas de medalhar Atletismo (0-2): Brasil depende de Alison e da marcha atlética para ganhar algo aqui. Natação/Maratona Aquática (0-2): resultados bem ruim esse ano. Tirando Ana Marcela, pode ser um desastre para o Brasil. Tiro com Arco (0-1): grande temporada para Marcus, mas não pode dar "azar" na chave. Vôlei (0-2): nenhum dos times medalhou na VNL esse ano, mas confio que podem chegar lá. Podem surpreender Canoagem Slalom (0-1): ótimos resultados para Ana Sátila no campeonato mundial, mas ainda fora do pódio. Futebol (0-1): feminino passa por um momento difícil, e no masculino não vejo tanto interesse nos Jogos. Ginástica Rítmica (0-1): ano memorável, mas ainda sem medalha mundial. Teriam que ser perfeitas. Ginástica de Trampolim (0-1): Camilla está numa grande temporada, mas ainda longe de ser favorita a uma medalha. Hipismo (0-1): equipe dos Saltos sempre está entre as possíveis medalhistas, mas faz tempo que isso não acontece. Taekwondo (0-1): sempre difícil de prever algo aqui, mas 1 medalha pode ser possível. Tênis (0-1): Bia ou a dupla feminina podem repetir o feito de Tóquio. Tênis de Mesa (0-1): numa competição muito inspirada, Calderano ganharia um bronze, mas o ano dele não foi dos melhores. Triatlo (0-1): ótimos resultados recentes no masculino, mas longe de serem favoritos. Vela (0-1): decadência total aqui, até Martine/Kahena não são certezas. Então por aqui, seriam 10 medalhas no pior cenário e 25 medalhas no melhor deles. Acho que vamos ganhar em torno de 20.
  20. Unfortunately. Brazil won't win an Olympic medal with him as a coach.
  21. At the same time Brazil won this match, it also won 2 medals on Gymnastics Worlds. It was nice to see the split screen on national television - something that usually happens only during Olympics.
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