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Everything posted by vinipereira

  1. So today is the day with too many events to follow (after a full week of days without much to watch)
  2. Melhor dia para o Brasil no Pan, superando muito minhas expectativas. Para amanhã, apostei em 9 ouros na projeção inicial: 2 Ginástica Rítmica, 1 Ginástica de Trampolim, 1 Canoagem, 1 Caratê, 1 Patinação Artística, e os ouros nos esportes coletivos nos quais não estou nem um pouco seguro que vamos ganhar: Futebol, Handebol, Vôlei.
  3. with 100 gold medals. The schedule was so crazy that after winning over 50 golds in the first three days I though they had a chance to beat the all time record (170). Still, they will surpass Lima 2019 result (122) which already was their best in years.
  4. DSQ from in women's 400m Hurdles and gets gold
  5. With 55 gold medals, this is now best result ever at the Pan American Games
  6. Surprising, but in all honesty this was a fight to see which team will lose to in the final.
  7. Daniel Nascimento, a favourite for a medal in the 10,000m, got stuck in traffic and didn't arrive in time for the race
  8. Men's Windsurfing quotas: Ethan Westera Francisco Saubidet Birkner Women's Windsurfing quotas: Dominique Stater Chiara Ferretti
  9. Men's Kite quotas: Tiger Tyson Victor Bolaños Lopez Women's Kite quotas: Catalina Turienzo Emily Bugeja
  10. Yeah, guess we'll have to wait a little for official results of the medal races. In women's they posted the final ranking but maybe it's not right since brazilian confederation said we won bronze and the page shows Colombia
  11. I guess it was surprising by how close it was in the end.
  12. For men's apparently won the gold medal, but the results systems show DNC for all competitors in the medal race, which seems strange
  13. Men's 49er quotas: Hernán Umpierre/Fernando Diz William Jones/Justin Barnes
  14. I just cried with Geovanna's performance in Rhythmic Gymnastics. Such a hard working gymnast that almost qualified for the next Olympics, and now finally gets a medal in the Pan Am Games
  15. Ótimo dia para o Brasil, confirmando os ouros esperado e compensando 2 perdidos (46 ouros é exatamente o que previ até o dia de hoje). Amanhã, minha previsão inicial era de 6 ouros (3 da Vela, 2 da Ginástica Rítmica e 1 do Atletismo - que já cumpriu sua meta vencendo um evento inesperado). Estou "preso" a essa previsão porque obviamente não é mais possível vencer 3 ouros na Vela, no máximo 2 (e Kahena/Martine não tiveram um dia bom apesar da vaga olímpica, tendo que vencer a medal race agora para o ouro).
  16. without the same luck of the men's competition, now losing in a shoot-out to . Final vs favourite on saturday.
  17. I meant at these Games. With we have 30 NOCs with a medal. It would be nice to surpass or match Lima 2019 (31). If I'm not mistaken, the record is from Rio 2007 (32).
  18. Which NOCs don't have a medal yet? (and they can win one?)
  19. I'm baffled by some of their choices today. It was the same with women's 200m.
  20. Thiboutot doing the Shaunae Miller dive in the finish line
  21. Our first ever individual AA gold medal at the Pan American Games
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