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Everything posted by vinipereira

  1. having a great result with silver in men's and bronze in women's 3x3 Basketball. Of course, wins both golds.
  2. wins bronze in men's 3x3 Basketball, which is their first medal here.
  3. She's visibly tired, I'm glad they didn't put Rebeca in AA, it could have been a disaster. Anyway, while this was happening, Brazil won a bronze medal in Diving, which is great since I thought we would leave empty-handed in this sport
  4. Natação salvando o Brasil. Já conquistaram o mínimo de 5 medalhas de ouro que tinha previsto e devem tranquilamente cumprir o máximo (8).
  5. Finally some respect for Rebeca from Panam Sports...... except she isn't competing in this final
  6. Brazil isn't good in this sport, it only won a quota in women's because the South american competition was weak. Sadly Yane Marques' legacy here is almost non-existent.
  7. That's the downside of having B finals, which are not as exciting as the semifinals we have in world competitions.
  8. Unlike some other silver medals we won at the Pan American Games, I'm very happy about this one, which of course is our best result ever
  9. We used to joke about Brazil at the Olympics calling it "Bronzil" given the high number of bronze medals we won compared to the others. Now at the Pan American Games maybe we should change to "Pratil" because the number of silver (prata) medals have been far too much.
  10. Also our first medal in this sport aside from Wakeboard.
  11. He was in pain. He doesn't do Rings because of a previous shoulder injury, but tried here because of the Olympic quota. I'm surprised he's still fit to compete in the apparatus final.
  12. completely trashed by in women's Volleyball. Host nation having some really good/surprising results in some sports.
  13. Minha previsão máxima de ouros no início da competição foi de 63 ouros. Aqui vou acompanhar se terminamos dentro das expectativas ou não. 8 - Swimming [7] 6 - Gymnastics (Rhythmic) [8] 5 - Athletics [7] 5 - Judo [7] 4 - Gymnastics (Artistic)[3] 3 - Sailing [3] 3 - Table Tennis [2] 2 - Beach Volleyball [2] 2 - Boxing [4] 2 - Canoeing Slalom [3] 2 - Handball [1] 2 - Skateboarding [2] 2 - Surfing [1] 2 - Taekwondo [1] 1 - Archery [0] 1 - Badminton [0] 1 - Basketball [1] 1 - Canoeing Sprint [0] 1 - Cycling BMX [0] 1 - Equestrian [1] 1 - Fencing [1] 1 - Football [1] 1 - Gymnastics (Trampoline) [0] 1 - Karate [1] 1 - Open Water [0] 1 - Roller Skating (Artistic) [1] 1 - Tennis [3] 1 - Triathlon [2] 1 - Volleyball [1] 0 - Rowing [1] 0 - Wrestling [2] Ouros Previstos: 63 Ouros Ganhados: 66
  14. Thanks to CBC, we can finally see the vault. Still mind-boggling that the official broadcast chose to ignore the current world silver medalist team.
  15. And again today, they're showing and and completely ignoring Brazil They even missed Rebeca 15.1 vault...
  16. For a moment I thought that was gonna be another silver medal for As consolation for , another Olympic quota
  17. Hopefully not another 2015 field hockey situation
  18. First time watching a full Baseball match and it's a win for
  19. That's a requirement for every south american competition
  20. Our flagbearer and Olympic medalist in this event, Fernando Scheffer didn't qualify for the 200m Freestyle final. He was third behind two other brazilian athletes
  21. So you're gonna miss the likes of Phil Wizard, Gravity and Logistx in action?
  22. Watching Gymnastics, but sadly they spent entire rotations showing and and nothing from Brazil.
  23. Amazing crowds for a Volleyball match in the morning
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