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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Not bad (or fantastic), neutral decision Just a bit odd to have a rule change like that so short before the season starts.
  2. One learns something new every day apparently
  3. Anna Seidel drives a Chinese down to the ice in the 1500m QF's. Result: Chinese gets a penalty, Seidel (who also fell) is advanced
  4. Plenty of countries did not or do not recognize for example Kosovo, but at least they let their athletes compete against athletes from Kosovo if that's the draw. Refusing to compete against athletes simply because of their nationality is just as damaging to sports as stuff like doping and fraud (which it basically is). Disgusting that governments destroy careers of young athletes in that way (I'm sure Asselah and Ouallal themselves would very much prefer to actually compete and show their skills...?).
  5. Guessing Laghnaoui and Bjaoui are going to fight to try and lose? That's got to be interesting to watch, see who ippons themselves..
  6. So grow some balls (the federation, not the women) and compete. It's not that difficult. There are 'cheaters' involved in this, yes, and it's not the IJF.
  7. Wow, this track looks really sort of reminds me like the European Youth Olympic Festival in Erzurum, for which it'd be fine, but for a world championships..?
  8. I'm happy to see a Brazilian at world champs though Also surprised to see Bram Zeegers
  9. 4th place for Jansen/Van Duijn, not bad
  10. Yeah, if I'm not mistaken ranking finals are just sort of a more extended version of the 'A-final/B-final' kind of system to determine lower positions
  11. She went to CAS and CAS cleared her to compete.
  12. Yeah, that is my main question too My example was kinda to illustrate that changes are possible, so you know, hope.. After tomorrow's sprint I'll try and find out some more from Kozica, I think asking about that the day before the sprint is not very friendly
  13. It's a provisional start list though, changes are possible...(Brazil was on the provisional list for the SMR in Lenzerheide even though they had already left Lenzerheide for example)
  14. Right, time to get my studying for the week done, get my run in and be ready and cheering for bibs 60 and 71 tomorrow, let the individual champs begin
  15. Luckily at the Open Europeans in Minsk local TV production didn't show us half the shootings of every Belarussian rando fighting for 83rd spot
  16. I don't disagree with that Just that in Trump's case attacking him for a specific sexual act (as long as the act itself - and more importantly, the person it happens with - is legal obviously) is sort of weak, but sadly happens quite a lot by people who mean that as a serious 'sign' showing he's incapable
  17. It's rather stupid there is no camera right above and/or on the line for cases like that ball being outside or not. It was impossible to see for sure on any of the angles shown on TV whether or not the full size of the ball (and not just the 'footprint', so to speak) was entirely over the line or not.
  18. Yeah and snow is apparently cold and kinda wet.
  19. Hence the hope for at least Schalke to kick one out (and Ajax or Porto to win to finally have something different)
  20. Quarter final, men's 1000m: "Steenaart needs to stay close and so does Chen Yubo, because Lim might get penalized for taking out Nikisha!" Good morning commentator, Chen does not need to 'stay close' 'in case Lim gets penalized'. If Lim gets penalized, there are only two skaters left, being Steenaart and Chen, who are then automatically qualified no matter if they are 0,1 seconds or a minute behind Lim.
  21. Ajax and Porto to the semi's, Lyon and Schalke to kick out Barcelona and Man City and this tournament is finally gonna get interesting
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