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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Good choice on the basketball, BMX and swimming #110percentantibmxfreestyle
  2. The mountain bike one accurately depics my one adventure on a mountain bike many years ago....
  3. Using doping because otherwise you can't get a good enough 'beach body'
  4. I'm most likely too late Which sucks, because on replay I can see all top athletes but I want to follow Jill Colebourn and Anika Kozica live.
  5. Also , half horses, the poor things. Someone call some animal abuse organization
  6. They were out of inspiration for the 3x3 basketball so thought "hey, what's different about 3x3? I know! We put the commercial 3x3 logo in our pictogram!"?
  7. Kazakhstan starting to get back to dominating form, hurray!
  8. "Finally gain some sympathy"? Not many biathletes are getting more of my sympathy than Poliakova
  9. And so we need 30k instead of 50k! 30k will pull in massive numbers of new viewers and save race walking! /sarcasm IAAF
  10. Wait what, Kuzmina is retiring? Missed that
  11. Translation (from someone else) of his interview with Dutch TV:
  12. I'm referring to Mekhissi's agressiveness and overall auro of being an extremely unpleasant person Anyway, this is going outside biathlon a little
  13. I hope he and Mekhissi somehow miss the plane to Qatar or something
  14. Problem is Justin Gatlin should never have gotten his 15th chance
  15. Yeah, even a baby can tell that when you move up holidays, students will protest
  16. Hasn't that rumour been going on since forever?
  17. To be fair, unlike Pidruchnyi Loginov deserved being a punchbag.
  18. In terms of how much alike things are, I'd say they are the new Canada/Vanuatu.
  19. Hello IWF, she's Belgian BLR, BEL, nearly the same. Ok, there's no 'R' in Belgium and just the name itself already suggest Belgium (or at the very least not something Russia-like), but you know, at least the flags look alike, or something.
  20. Yes, everyone in the west is clearly against the famous Russia-Ukraine alliance of recent years.
  21. That's quite poor indeed, especially coming from someone who ruled the sport with an iron fist for 7-8 years as if that's normal.
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