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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. I didn't see the men's relay, but the women's relay was definitely rightfully DQ'ed, they just crashed into Canada right after an exchange
  2. 12th place for junior Sam Maes is the best ever Belgian (serious) World Cup result Not counting those obscure top-10 places in the early 80's and earlier in races with 5-10 participants
  3. Schaaf is way too hyperexcited about everything for my taste. Or it's just her voice, I don't know. I like what she says, I don't like how she brings it Darznieks is pretty cool, I like Dajana Eitberger as well.
  4. Thanks to this post I realize he was in the race I thought he would be focussing entirely on next season after his illness.
  5. That'd be awesome, is my feeling after taking a quick look at my prediction.
  6. JTB asking if anyone wants to have a go at it
  7. What's with the net inside a net in the bandy? (this is a goal, for reference, but the ball/thing is behind the net inside the net )
  8. Makes one wonder if the whole Seefeld thing has something to do with it.
  9. About Herbert Cool: he always invites people to ask questions on Twitter during live broadcasts (which people do quite a lot) and always says people can send it to "@CoolHerbert, with the C as in 'cool'"
  10. Elistratov was cheering after winning the B final...maybe he had a foresight
  11. DQ for false start for Sandor Liu in the 500m final, two guys crashing straight through the boarding...even the boarding is of an incredibly amateuristic level here, what an insane farce of a championships Shame on whoever (probably a high Bulgarian official in ISU) gave these championships to Sofia.
  12. Good that at least they are consistent even when DQ'ing people for stupid stuff.
  13. Exactly why they should have someone knowledgeable there, like in the Netherlands where most people don't know the sport neither but a good commentator helps a lot in catching the attention of passers by going through the channels. At least during the Olympics they had an actual biathlete (Mika Picin) in the studio to assist this dude, but she's living in Spain now so that's not happening anymore.
  14. This should not be worthy of a penalty, but if you DQ athlete A for something, you should DQ athlete B as well if B does exactly the same thing.
  15. So, women's 500m final. At the finish with Van Ruijven, Valcepina did EXACTLY the same Schulting did in her 1500m semi and what got her DQ'ed....let's see if the same happens to Valcepina now (if they're consistent, she should be DQ'ed, stupid as it may be).
  16. Fuglsang vs Alaphlippe vs a ready to explode Van Aert
  17. Schulting to the 500m final (with Van Ruijven), Choi not even in the B-final
  18. Kinda surprised she actually did the laps, quite often in the case of crossfire athletes don't notice it until they get a 10 minute penalty after the race for missing 5 penalty laps
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