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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Favourite 2020 host city on one Dutch forum: Kralendijk
  2. Lol, this on the news page of 'Teletext' (yeah that still exists) on Dutch TV Nederland winnaar van Songfestival = Netherlands wins Song Contest Saudi-Arabiƫ dreigt met vergelding = Saudi-Arabia threatens to retaliate Oh shit
  3. The big fight for hosting rights has already opened up Most people expect Amsterdam to take it, quite logically, others prefer Rotterdam (the Ahoy stadium) or even Maastricht for whatever reason. Sadly I think it'll be Amsterdam, boring
  4. Next May is gonna be mad. First Dutch F1 Grand Prix since 1985, first Eurovision Song Contest since 1975
  5. MourĆ£o dead-last right when Raiza GoulĆ£o isn't there
  6. First time Jaqueline MourĆ£o is shown this season is when she's trying to punch her saddle back in place
  7. heywoodu 1. Jos van Emden (35) - 35 2. Elia Viviani (2) - 37 3. Pascal Ackermann (3) - 40 4. Enrico Battaglin (44) - 84 5. Caleb Ewan (4) - 88 6. Diego Ulissi (30) - 118 7. Giulio Ciccone (31) - 149 8. Arnaud Demare (6) - 155 9. Primoz Roglic
  8. Just noticed because of this post it was Cees Bol of all places who won Dutch Eurosport commentator said it was Walscheid during the sprint and after the sprint I turned it off
  9. Because of this post I googled Stefan Raab and realized Schlag den Raab has been off the air for a few years already apparently I believe I watched it live once and was looking forward to seeing it again, but I never did
  10. The whole thing with having pre-qualified countries (sure, apart from the host) is annoying.. I mean, I get it, they pay. But still.
  11. Yeah that was awful as well Going against everyone though and say I was happy to see San Marino scored relatively speaking very well in the televotes
  12. I was feeling more bad than happy about that Come on, 0 points. That's just sad for anyone.
  13. Can't we stop putting opinions down as 'facts'? Norway having a mediocre song is not a fact, it's your opinion Which is fine, but not a fact.
  14. ESC is the place for that political stuff, as tons of songs show year after year
  15. An emotional lady song like this apparently works very well
  16. Painful as it is to see someone get zero (!) points, I agree.
  17. Which surprised me. Then again, North Macedonia scoring high in the jury votes was something I didn't find weird. They got a ton of points from countries I didn't really expect, definitely not like the typical Serbia/Montenegro, Greece/Cyprus etc combos.
  18. 12 from Israel, that must be because Ajax (nicknamed 'Jews' or 'Superjews) did so well
  19. Netherlands had one I've never heard of
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