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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Mariah Carey has been spotted backstage.
  2. Oh, I thought I read it would be decided here and due to Pilato finishing 3rd, she's most likely out Good news!
  3. World record 29.30 for Pilato What a phenom, it's really too bad she just wasn't strong enough yet in a bit longer distance than a sprint At least, I am assuming she won't go to the Olympics because of that?
  4. Bernal is on a different level so far. Cool for Fortunato, kind of a shame to have a relative unknown win on a monster like the Zoncolan.
  5. The Belgian sports papers on Monday will have black lines around them.
  6. Ugh, another drugged up idiot going batshit crazy, nearly brought Fortunato down. Fuckers.
  7. Nice for Fortunato, annoying to see EOLO-Kometa taking the win: branded as a great development team by Contador and Basso, with the main aim to give young riders good chances, but in the end they're not bringing any rider out of their own development to these races and just go with a random group of have-been's and 'eternal talents'..
  8. This group is an excellent chance for Mollema, although let's see where the surprise attack of Tratnik goes.
  9. That's what I was most interested in anyway, thanks
  10. Then again, does it really have that much of a significant impact? Too bad one can't give up their own vaccine for someone else. I'd gladly give up mine (if that means I'll have to wait a bit longer) in order for an Olympic athlete to be vaccinated in time for Tokyo. Meanwhile, I'm simply happy the Brazilian NOC seems to be starting with vaccines and a certain Totallympian will most likely receive one next week. No crisis of conscience at all..
  11. Does anyone know where to find a list of broadcasters? Apparently the company which used to show it in the Netherlands doesn't have it anymore, there's nothing in tomorrow's schedule at least..
  12. Having a fairly boring run-up to the Zoncolan like this was pretty unnecessary, but apart from that, there is definitely potential for interesting stuff today (also, snow on the always feared Zoncolan). With arguably one of the best fan moments ever, where one of the usually annoying people on climbs for once made for an awesome memory Yes, that is a steak being dangled in front of zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero cinco Contador.
  13. Anyone have the full result for the original 100m backstroke final? Dutch NOS only has a live stream one can't 'rewatch', so you either watch live or not at all (meaning I had to watch everything without commentary later last night and only now heard about this 100m backstroke drama).
  14. For what it's worth, my same list for SF 2 Definitely will qualify: EST GRE POR FIN Maybe: AUT POL ISL ALB BUL DEN Definitely won't qualify: SMR CZE MDA SRB GEO LAT SUI Where I must say I added San Marino not because of it's performance, but because I didn't expect them to get enough votes. Mixed feelings about that one personally: it starts nice, but I found to go downhill to the depths of earth when that dude appeared and started...I don't know what he was doing, but not singing At least I had 6 of the 10 right in terms of who I thought could qualify And much to my surprise I noticed Ukraine is actually one of the!
  15. Meanwhile, Dutch commentator summed it up nicely when I turned in: "For those of you just tuning in and having missed the first 180 kilometers....wait, I should say that differently, because you missed nothing." Yeah, boring as shit as I'm sure the organization expected, but at least the final kilometer was fun. Nice try by Affini and great to see Nizzolo finally take a win
  16. That is quite good news actually, it was absolute bullshit to have riders be DQ'ed (!) for throwing away a bottle. This doesn't save the sport or something, but DQ's for nonsense like that does slowly kill it.
  17. Just catching up on the week's cycling outside of the Giro, this finish of Wednesday was insane What a freaking monster kilometer That is really not the 11% the road book said it was
  18. Just finished semi 1, what a results Before watching the results, I had listed the songs in three categories...I know ten would go through, but I really couldn't find two more which should not be in 'Definitely not' (the + indicates the nation qualified) Definitely will qualify: IRL CYP + NOR + AZE + Might qualify: RUS + SWE + CRO ROU Definitely won't qualify: LTU + SLO AUS MKD BEL + ISR + UKR + MLT + I really can't, for the life of me, understand how Israel, Ukraine and Malta qualified. I mean, they were incredibly out of tune and the decisive parts were basically...screaming. Especially the 'highlight' of Israel's song, it's not like singing a high tune, it's screaming like the neighbour girls... Oh well, hopefully semi 2 will be better
  19. Just heard the Dutch song for the first time (partially, the part they showed at the end of semi 1)....what were they thinking? "It has been going pretty well for a while, with a second place and even a win, so now let's go back to songs which finish somewhere in the bottom of the semi's because we have a free spot in the final this year anyway!"? I didn't expect much, but wow, that was fairly disappointing
  20. Totally missed the fact Gianni Moscon tried to follow Nibali in the final descent, but couldn't keep up and crashed, hehe. He did come back in the main group though, so the peloton is still stuck with him. As for today....yeah, let's say it's a good thing it's a working day, because the entertainment isn't gonna come from the cycling There is a small chance for some drama in the sprint preparation, but nothing as bad as a few stages ago where they went for a hugely difficult final kilometers after 150+ kilometers of basically falling asleep.
  21. 51,87 split for Heemskerk, damn. If ever there was a swimmer who is infinitely better in relays than individually...
  22. Ah, the mother of all circus events to close the day.
  23. This tournament is having quite a lot of good finals, especially today
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