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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Wow, what a mediocre winner. I guess it's a fitting end to a contest with a mediocre level.
  2. Totallympics is so incredibly shitty to use on a phone, these ads are getting insane...
  3. It's a shame Finland has that sort of rapping in between, other than that it's the only challenger for Norway for me... What an incredibly mediocre level overall
  4. It's really a shame that dude messes up the SMR song, but other than that it's a fun closing act
  5. Apparently there was a whole thing about "you don't want broccoli" or "you are my broccoli", even supermarkets joined that hype. It was not much appreciated by Jeangu and company...
  6. Yep, like when sleeping and the microphone is already turned off.
  7. Oh god the humanity Aliens will leave us immediately if they hear this. Maybe my TV is broken...
  8. I mean, the message is good, sure, but damn.
  9. But what's with the staging, the terrible choice of clothing and the...let's be fair, just not very good singing? It didn't help that he was very obviously not in the physical shape to do this...he was out of breath halfway already.
  10. I like the UK's song, but not the performance..
  11. Still can't believe how much of a star Nikkie has become. 8-9 years ago I heard about her in the WhatsApp group of our betting forum, where her brother was/is in as well, and he was proudly talking about how she had 'a thousand subscribers already' on her makeup videos...nowadays she has nearly 14 million subscribers, over a billion views, does makeup things with international stars, is by far the best host of this year's Eurovision and so on, her star keeps rising and rising Probably going to the US at some point, she is quickly outgrowing the Netherlands Plus she's an awesome role model for a ton of young people who are struggling with the whole thing of "Am I a boy or am I a girl?".
  12. Ah, the Belgrade Strip Club has arrived
  13. It's a coin toss between Israel and Malta for me, but yeah, gun to the head I'm going for Israel in last as well.
  14. What's with those little hand thingies of Malta, with that semi uninterested look?
  15. The Night of the Silver Dresses. That's number three in six acts.
  16. At least Russia was between this weird rapping, they somehow wrote 20 seconds of actual music and exactly those 20 seconds are used for the recap which most people will probably (at least partially) base their votes on
  18. Not great, but sure, not terrible song for Israel...but then why throw it all away with that ear-popping scream in the final seconds?
  19. Which app exactly is that? Because I know there's an 'official' app, voting through which is not actually official at all..
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