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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Wow, another incredible screw-up, they're getting hard to count. Matteo Sobrero gets fucked over by the way this time trial is organised/the route is 'planned' and by the FDJ team car. Why on earth are cars still even allowed in that part? RCS once again shows they barely have a clue what they're doing in organising a major race...everyone knows the Giro is probably the worst organised Grand Tour (or World Tour race in general), we see it every year, but damn.
  2. Cavagna on his way to beat Ganna, who had a flat tyre (and then a bike exchange) in the last 2km....until Cavagna took a dive into the crowd in one of the last corners Luckily nothing bad in terms of injuries, he quickly got up and continued, ending up 12 seconds shy of beating Ganna.
  3. To be entirely fair, it is definitely fun and lighthearted, but yesterday I did feel like he wasn't having any attention for the actual point of the games: qualifying for the Olympics. It got better later, but at some moment it was like he hadn't even tried to see who still had a chance or not and what they were supposed to do I mean, Sri Lanka had lost everything clearly and was obviously out and he still said it was a must-win game for them.
  4. Rins with an excellent early race so far. Waiting for the crash.
  5. And the Moto2 guys were clearly not told before their race. Bezzecchi during his interview: "And also thoughts to Jason, I hope he will be fine very soon."
  6. Impressive 2-3 minutes of silence before the MotoGP start, that came in like a wrecking ball, damn
  7. The number one example of a bought club beat the number two example of a bought club in a final with only one single goal...I want my two hours back
  8. He doesn't have any FIS results though, so besides the qualifying period being over (in terms of gaining quotas), what's he doing?
  9. I'm sure this will be dealth with by the way, but I sincerely hope Sasaki gets some serious psychological help today (I'm assuming he'll be getting that since the crash already). It was not his fault at all, but especially for a 20-year old this can mess you up big time.
  10. Yep...comes at the worst moment and place, right where someone coming up from behind could just not avoid him. Meanwhile, he apparently won't receive surgery yet, but not for a good reason at all: doctors' judgement is that his situation is too critical to perform a surgery now, he isn't stable enough for the surgery to be done responsibly right now.
  11. Damn what a win. And he basically did the same earlier this month. New Evenepoel (although Evenepoel did this for more than a year, going on a solo attack and winning by minutes) He does have a World Tour contract at BORA for next year already.
  12. Ah, that's why there was a Canadian flag lifted in the centre of my little hometown earlier this month
  13. And there's Belarus' 19th point. The Netherlands is headed to Hungary next week.
  14. More than a minute to go and 18-13 Belarus, which is the maximum it can be for the Netherlands No way it'll remain scoreless from now on.
  15. I wonder how these championships usually are in terms of organisation (no doubt better than this), but somehow I wonder if people are really surprised by it. Disappointed, sure, but surprised...? Respect for these athletes, good luck trying to perform in this..
  16. Wow I was so focused on the women, I totally forgot the men still even had their own decision sort of in their own hands (as in, still had a game to play)
  17. Right, the Dutch women need Belarus to beat Estonia....and by scoring no more than 17 points....and while not letting Estonia score more than 12 points...
  18. Horrible crash in Moto3 qualifying today, where Jason Dupasquier crashed off his bike and got hit head-on by Ayumu Sasaki, who could in no way have avoided him. Apparently Jeremy Alcoba was involved as well, he and Sasaki walked away, sort of, but Dupasquier is in critical condition..
  19. Bardet is parking the bike Now it's waiting for the inevitable attack by Yates....but he too cracks.
  20. Bardet is dying in Caruso's wheel....where on earth is Caruso pulling these weeks from all of a sudden?
  21. Once again Dani Martinez is the strongest on the climb.
  22. Very much deserved tap on the shoulders of Bilbao there by Caruso. What a ride.
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