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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Ah, so even before the global youth races Yeah, I couldn't find results of those even if I tried
  2. Was she really though? I mean, I've been looking for five minutes now and Tomingas really seems to have been a whole level (or at least a half one) above Lescinskaite in those years...especially on days where she didn't entirely mess up her shooting.
  3. Tuuli Tomingas was especially impressive, it's been quite a while since she managed to show her junior form! Too bad that last shooting went entirely wrong though. As for Nilsson, yeah she should probably be able to get herself a place in the Swedish IBU Cup team this or next season, who knows what can happen after that. She isn't there yet (which is fine), but I'm interested in seeing her in the IBU Cup somewhere and see what she can do there.
  4. I hope my employer starts to hurry up with the "work at home money" I read about left and right (to make sure you have an effective and healthy workspace at home) or else that ship has sailed if manufacturers keep going like this
  5. Mostly because one is a congratulatory statement, showing unity as well, whereas the other is an old man yelling at clouds how this is basically another one of his fantastic accomplishments Even a space launch has to be made not about the space launch, the astronauts, the people or, it has to be made about HIM and HIS administration only. HE made this possible and nobody else
  6. Really the only deserving 2020 MotoGP champion And only three years after winning the Moto3 title
  7. Yep, unless Perez suddenly became German and Vettel suddenly became Mexican, but I doubt that After a bit, the flags just disappeared and yet again a bit later they appeared in the correct order
  8. A little bit at one point, but after that it was mostly just cruising past the other Mercedes and then to the finish with a second Mercedes to back him up if needed. He didn't really make any significant mistakes, so combined with having a good car that makes him the deserved winner.
  9. Too bad his radio reactions and comments after the race come across so fake, scripted and just plain boring Including the default "it was such a hard fight!" act.
  10. Russell and Giovinazzi are already out of the track, hitting the barriers....and the race doesn't start for almost half an hour
  11. This thing with the age mentioned first and then seeing his name scared the living shit out of me Good news though
  12. Does someone have the start lists somewhere? I'm trying to avoid spoilers, but if PDF's with results exist (for now I only saw the men's sprint), that'd be appreciated too
  13. Aaaaaand it's wet again It looks like at the very least the first half of the race will be done in the rain, possibly it might start to get good enough for intermediates later in the race.
  14. Not a big chance, but he has definitely shown to be able to step up if conditions are....weird. Cool to see he pulled through big time yesterday, it was quite clear that these were conditions where riders skills made the difference and more than half the field kind of humiliated themselves
  15. No points for correctly choosing the two nations who'll fight for gold and silver And probably bronze isn't going to be much of a battle neither.
  16. Interesting to see Voinova and Shmeleva battle it out for gold in the sprint (as expected basically), but both not even making the keirin final And what a tournament for good old Maximilian Levy, beating Denis Dmitriev for gold in both the sprint and keirin
  17. Were they living in homes where Azeri's used to live in before being driven out, or are these other homes? It's hard to see it as one-sided as 'Azerbaijan is the aggressor', like these headlines seem to want to describe it...
  18. Wow, that is random I have hopes to hear him soon though...
  19. I am surprised at my own votes now and happy Malta managed to get that bronze. Argentina was my first reserve, Malta my second, but by now I'm at a point where I think Malta would have gotten at least 5-6 points if I were to make my own ranking now
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