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  1. Well, to me the optimistic is the realistic. I remembered during Covid, none expected China to reah Finals in all discipline. Then suddenly they just reached 5 Finals with an old ChenLong. Well, to me the optimistic is the realistic as they are favourites hahaha. This time, all i see is 3 favourites and 2 Huge favourites. Therefore i have to say 5 gold is there for the taking. I am sure this is target set by the National as well and i hope my country get 1/2 gold as well from badminton. I have to say what i see. ShiYuqi already won in this very arena in this year FrenchOpen. He can easily smash opponents whom you think can give him trouble like the recent ThomasCup. CYF closest rival will be Marin imo. She is just a bull. I think it will be CYF-Marin- Yamaguchi though i feel GregoriaTunjung could be a dark horse (just beaten Yamaguchi) and i hope she can get a medal. Btw, many of these players are injury prone because they are nearing 30. Yamaguchi didnt play her last matches in UberCup so did AnSeYoung. I can see she is burnout. MD will be the closest affair. However, i can only go with WR1. There is nothing to say in WD and XD. I just visited Jieyang my ancestral hometown, which is close to ChenQingchen hometown. I will be rooting for her. I would say the toughest to the easiest will be MD>WS>MS>XD>WD. All in all, i see China getting 40 golds or more. I would be happy with that.
  2. 37 Gold Medals is realistic ( line is only 33.5). Its probably tad conservative too. Badminton, China to me is favourites for 5 gold. Its not like they need all to perform, its more like there has to be upset for them (and opponents outperforming) not to win the Gold especially with 2 participants each sector. SYQ, CYF , WangLiang, ChenJia, ZhengHuang are all favourites and their partner in crime, is no slouch too. An Se Young has been playing injured since AsianGames. She is superb last year but it took a toll on her young body playing too many games and she havent looked herself since AG. If i have to say, she wont even medal. Artistic swimming, without ROC that has be 2 golds a lock. Trampoline can win 2 golds. Sports Climbing should be able to deliver 1 gold too. Indonesian climber will definitely screw up. I remember last year climb event where the Male makes a false start in Semi/Final. Artistic Gymnastics and Shooting without ROC is a big help too.
  3. Arghhh. Pretty crazy when i think of it. When each number of swimming events can have 2 (or maybe more?) from the same NoC.
  4. Looks like Australia gold is underrated too alongside China gold and Canada medals. 20 Roc gold frees up will help too. Those are probably my 3 favourites so far.
  5. Belgium 2.5Gold/8.5Total France 23.5G/52.5Total Great Britain 15.5G/62.5Total Italy 10.5G/43.5Total Netherlands 15.5G/38.5Total Spain 4.5G/18.5Total USA 38.5G/121.5Total Australia 13.5G/47.5Total What do you guys think? Which slamdunk will you be on?
  6. Haha. The line is 21.5 medals. I am sure Canada will get over that number. I like what i see from what i am reading in internet and twitter.
  7. I am just wondering. In 2020, Russia participated as ROC winning 71 medals. Is it confirmed to say that most of these medals will be distributed? Even their best medal winners probably havent trained for a long time. The only player that i think can win a medal at the back of my mind is Medvedev since he has been participating. But who knows what ROC athletes are up to?
  8. I am pretty confident with China and Canada doing better than expected (22 medals for Canada)
  9. India has chance in Men Double badminton (ShettyRR) but again, WangLiang is stronger. Its possible with a little upset.
  10. Yes but i think SYQ is stronger. He has better smash. I am Indonesian and i feel Christie has nothing special ( despite winning AllEngland and beating CHN SYQ and LSF in Ningbo last month). His game is more to tiring opponents. He might easily lose in earlier rounds. My money would be on Shi. @Josh Do you put China around 38-39 golds? I saw the line in my books were O/U 33.5 which is omg.
  11. China just won ThomasCup. I can even see China winning 5 golds in Badminton instead of 2 that most puts ( Josh,etc). I think ShiYuqi is favourite over Axelsen.
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