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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. The prediction graphic from European-Athletics? That one sucks
  2. Still no result for that last 200m heptathlon heat
  3. Done, first thing shown is a German javelin thrower. All good..
  4. Yet she is still very, very far away from being even remotely threatened.
  5. 2.21m was enough for a q in the men's high jump
  6. This commercial has been making me laugh for some time now, even more after a Royal Air Maroc airplane to Morocco has been on Amsterdam airport for one and a half day because it couldn't leave.....'due to social unrest in Morocco'.
  7. Aaaaand Bengtsson is out That's it for watching pole vault, on to the javelin.
  8. Someone keep that rain away for one and a half hours please
  9. in b4 Wlodarczyk, Fiodorow, Nowicki and Fajdek all coming from that corner of Poland
  10. I had to Google it Even the name did not sound familiar.
  11. I think most people west of the Oder don't even know what on earth 'the Oder' is
  12. See my post above it, where you can see the times behind the comma in the 100m hurdles heats. 12.931 for example, but in the official results that is brought as 12.94. Someone actually answered and apparently it's because if they would round that down to 12,93, it shows a faster time than you actually ran. Or something.
  13. Or that Lithuanian jumper Kilty tricked into marrying him and having his baby.
  14. Painful to see the level, but at least this is pretty cool and promises a good final: 51.21 51.23 51.23 51.24 51.29 51.35 51.41 51.50
  15. The biggest medicine factory in the world says "whoa, not that much medicine please".
  16. She did, and got quite close to it in semi's now, showing it's definitely not a fluke.
  17. Amy Allcock, that must have been a 'fun' time in school.
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