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Posts posted by Dunadan

  1. Nah, long live rankings wherever there is a well established world cup style circuit, as opposed to random qualifying competitions one in a while. Ranking fails mostly happens when they consider way too many lower level tournaments, with 3x3 basketball being the extreme case - a normal ranking with world cup + world series would have been much better, but they had to push for "universality" so...


    43 minutes ago, JoshMartini007 said:

    some rankings are horrible in predicting who is actually the best.

    predicting is not their purpose though, rankings are only meant to tell who has been among the best in a certain set of competitions in a certain (past) period.  Qualification tournaments, especially in sports with a draw and an elimination format, are a much worse way to find out who is the best

  2. 5 minutes ago, De_Gambassi said:

    Yes, because anti-doping tests have been sooooooooo efficient to catch cheaters for the last decades obviously. I can't believe people still use that non-argument on a sports forum in 2021.


    PS: British journalists are among the only ones to have dig up some dirt on their own athletes.

    Ah yes, we should disqualify people based on what DeGambassi or Orangeman or OlympicsFan or other big experts think it's obvious, it' much more reliable and fair than doing anti-doping tests

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