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Everything posted by dcro

  1. And more shockingly, heywoodu's opinion seems to be a real game changer all aruond the World.
  2. Come on, starting positions are barely important for keirin, let alone 65 km road race (even if that's extremely short).
  3. I'd react with "wow", but...
  4. I have to say though, while rewatching this clip I saw uncanny resemblance between code of conduct in this classroom and Totallympics.
  5. Anyway, this quite an appropriate video to describe the lack of reactions on Totallympics.
  6. No I felt really bad for the athlete.
  7. Must be the first post ever with the whole fleet of different emotions.
  8. [hide] Women's Tournament Knockout Round July 23rd - July 27th, 2018 8 Nations, Placement Matches, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match Semifinals Date & Time (GMT +2) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 July 25th 2018, h. 17:00 Netherlands 1 Hungary July 25th 2018, h. 18:30 Greece 2 Spain [/hide]
  9. Your phone is nicely charged. Admirable.
  10. Sven Cepuš ran 1:47.51 at the Balkan Championships this weekend, making him the fastest Croat over 800m in 21 years (since before he was born). This result also qualifies him for ECh.
  11. Spain has also named its dressage team Claudio Castilla Ruiz (Alcaide) Beatriz Ferrer-Salat (Delgado) Severo Jurado Lopez (Deep Impact) Juan Matute Guimon (Quantico Ymas)
  12. Well, that's odd. Maybe elimination in Uggerhalne + withdrawal in Aachen played part. Otherwise I've got no idea how Dahl would be picked over her.
  13. Also, I think it would be nice to open a poll about boxing. Should it indeed be removed from the Olympics?
  14. However, latest reports are saying that won't happen till November/December. Qualificatoins will be very much on at that point (they already are).
  15. Are there individual ranking quotas up for grabs? Bermuda does have a decent rider based in Europe who might be going for Pan Ams,
  16. Well, at least nobody compares it to "Poodle Scuba Diving" on this forum, so I'll take it...
  17. Naah, if you watch the match you'll see that the Dutch again play like bullies.
  18. Briliant scores from Yvonne Losos de Muniz and the Guatemalan. Dominican Republic might shock Mexico for team gold. Colombia meanwhile is outside medals. Looks like they lost ground in dressage like in eventing. I'm quite sure they've never failed to win a medal in team dressage, and now they'll fail to do so on the home ground!
  19. Lipa. Kuna is our euro, while lipa is our cent. In Engilsh, kuna means marten (animal), lipa means linden (tree).
  20. Lowest currency here is 5lp (which is less than 1c ). There used to be 1lp and 2lp, but not anymore.
  21. Dressage team looks quite fine. Rothenberger withdrew from Aachen due to slight infection that Cosmo got. He should be safe for Tryon, where he could as well take both team and individual golds. It's similar with Werth who withdrew Weihegold from Aachen and entered Emilio/Bella Rose instead (Bella Rose is finally back after 3.5 years!). Sprehe withdrew Desperados from both German championships last month and now Aachen, so I'd say she's probably out of it. But she may not be needed as Rothenberger, Werth, Langehanenberg + one of Schneider/von Bredow-Werndl should be big favorites. As for eventing, I don't think Germany is the favorite at this point. Jung is having a poor season (already 2017 was quite poor for his standards). Klimke could be the best, though she had a refusal in Aachen. Krajewski has some good wins this season (Bramham, German championships, Aachen), but she is yet to do anything at the championships. Aside from those three, there isn't much depth in German eventing. I doubt Sandra Auffarth will be going, as these days it seems like she is mainly building a team of younger horses. Kai Ruder looked good in recent times, but not so much in Aachen. Hoy has decided not to chase team selection anymore at the start of 2018.
  22. Thanks for the update! Sadly, it looks like Zibrandtsen's withdrawal during Aachen was more serious than it looked. Without her, Danish medal chances are likely gone as Dahl is quite inconsistent while Jaeger & Belstaff very inexperienced (they literally have only two Grand Prix internationals on record, although with decent scores).
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