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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Later today, starting at 21:30, there is a "Jump'n'Drive" competition. No idea how it works exactly, but apparently it's a team competition with one show jumper, one eventer and one driver per team. It should be intriguing. Start list
  2. That was a revenge for he's done at Wimbledon.
  3. Probably because someone Dutch is broadcasting.
  4. I thought usually share all of the roller skating medals.
  5. I guess this Honduran who barely skates was invited to give Colombia gold.
  6. Looking at the score sheet, she didn't go above 8.0 for any movement, while everyone else gave some 8.5-9.0. She also gave a lot of 7s compared to 8s from others, so eventually it racks up. It's consistent low scoring. I guess it was it a combination of not praising good work and searching for mistakes where there aren't any... Probably related to Kasey being an underdog...
  7. Swedish judge at M is either very incompetent or she is only judging the names. Because of her we didn't see shocking underdog (and deserved) victory from Kasey Perry-Glass. Still, it was a nice day in Aachen. Unbelieveable that such judge will be at the World Championships later this year... Come on, even I gave Perry-Glass 78% in the spectator app.
  8. Unlike Spain, Papua New Guinea managed to score a try against Australia. It's rather refreshing to have a team sport that isn't EUROPE EUROPE EUROPE.
  9. I can't wait for him to attempt the 2000m race.
  10. Refusals for Klimke and Lips. So only Chipmunk to go. are just crazy.
  11. And once again Burton goes around and trolls everyone. First inside the time, impossible for everyone else.
  12. EPIC performance from New Zealand. Just wow.
  13. Andrew Hoy is back at the top.
  14. Julia Krajewski & Samourai du Thot eliminated following the 3rd refusal. What a shock. If German selectors take this combination again then they are just plain stupid. She already screwed them over at both Rio Olympics and Strzegom Europeans.
  15. [hide] Men's Tournament Knockout Round July 22nd - July 20th, 2018 16 Nations, Placement Matches, Quarterfinals Play-Offs, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match Quarterfinals Play-Offs Date & Time (GMT +2) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 July 22nd 2018, h. 17:00 Hungary 4 Netherlands July 22nd 2018, h. 18:30 Germany 4 Greece July 22nd 2018, h. 20:30 Montenegro 5 Romania July 22nd 2018, h. 22:00 France 3 Russia [/hide]
  16. Where else would it be? They would build a track in Mexico/Argentina for some Pan American experiment?
  17. Ridiculous WR if you ask me. For years nobody could break 9 minutes, and now suddenly 8:44...
  18. Ridiculous taekwondo result... Did Venezuelan make 18 head kicks or something?
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