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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Thanks for the update! Sadly, it looks like Zibrandtsen's withdrawal during Aachen was more serious than it looked. Without her, Danish medal chances are likely gone as Dahl is quite inconsistent while Jaeger & Belstaff very inexperienced (they literally have only two Grand Prix internationals on record, although with decent scores).
  2. Only 27 here today... Yet to see a true +35 summer day. It's very unusual.
  3. [hide] Men's Tournament Knockout Round July 22nd - July 28th, 2018 16 Nations, Placement Matches, Quarterfinals Play-Offs, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match Quarterfinals Date & Time (GMT +2) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 July 24th 2018, h. 17:00 Serbia 3 Hungary July 24th 2018, h. 18:30 Spain 2 Greece July 24th 2018, h. 20:30 Croatia 3 Montenegro July 24th 2018, h. 22:00 Italy 5 Russia [/hide]
  4. Fijian player basically stepped over a Kiwi while running for a try.
  5. Briliant bronze for Barbados. Hopefully they'll take up Pan American quota and then eventually push for Tokyo. It will be a long road to Tokyo, They could get Group D quota without battle, but it's the minimum requirements that are the main problem. They'll need 3* qualification for Olympics, and this competition for example was only 1*. Pan Ams (2*) should be a good stepping stone, however they'll need to complete some 3* next year already to have any chance.
  6. Irish kicker (or however do you call that role) has missed 4/5 conversions.
  7. Looks like Asia became really bad... 7:0, and it's not even a halftime.
  8. They'll probably extend the time limit by 20-25%.
  9. "He and his twin brother Olivier are both sons of Ludo Philippaerts." Interesting use of word "both". But yes, twins usually have the same parents.
  10. Final competition in Aachen, show jumping Grand Prix has just started. Live results - Live streaming
  11. Miroitawa and Someity both sound very unmemorable. Nobody will remember them.
  12. Apparently this is the first Italian WC victory since 1976.
  13. I prefer the times when Zimbabwe was winning gold in this. Yeah, I know what kind of tournament that was, but still, taking everything into account it's one of the greatest Olympic stories ever told.
  14. I think I watched exactly 47 seconds of Olympic tournaments in Rio.
  15. You really don't like Mourao, do you?
  16. Literal goosebumps from Laura's music, as always. Firm leader so far with 5 more combinations to go.
  17. Results are in. Bad day for many. However Barbados is holding team bronze despite having one elimination. Equestrian medal would be incredible for them! Also one Guatemalan managed to be almost 45 seconds inside the time.
  18. [hide] Women's Tournament Knockout Round July 23rd - July 27th, 2018 8 Nations, Placement Matches, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match Quarterfinals Date & Time (GMT +2) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 July 23rd 2018, h. 17:00 Greece 2 Russia July 23rd 2018, h. 18:30 Italy 1 Hungary July 23rd 2018, h. 20:30 Netherlands 22 Germany July 23rd 2018, h. 22:00 France 10 Spain [/hide]
  19. So, somehow I'm the leader for the second day in row.
  20. Looks like organizers might need a whole day to add up all those time penalties. Too bad, I'm curious to find out what happened to teams.
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