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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Shaunae's PB is more than second better than Maicel's.
  2. Must be a glitch, as besides the results at Aarhus site are often less accurate then those at SAP site. In any case, the newly published schedule suggests no more fleet races for women's 470.
  3. Nope. He is a former kickboxer (World junior champion), turned javelin thrower (almost reached standard for London 2012), turned shot putter.
  4. Quite strange reasoning with Finn. They planned to have 3 races today and nothing tomorrow, but at the end they have 2+2 because of today's poor conditions? Weird.
  5. Nope, it's not over. Tomorrow's schedule is out and there will be 2 more Finn races, as well as 1 more 470 race. I fear it will be impossible to keep Finn quota, but at least it's a new day with hopefully more favorable conditions for our sailors... Interestingly, no more women's 470 races are scheduled, even though only 7 have been held. Olympic quotas therefore go to . It's confirmed.
  6. Amazing, he hasn't completed a championships decathlon since 2014 (started at all in 2015-2018).
  7. It very much looked like Warholm went around the hurdle in the second turn.
  8. And here is the moment when on-water reporter said only medal race to go...
  9. "Hughes was almost Usain Bolt-like." Such hypers...
  10. This is painful, wind is gone... They are going at 2 knots downwind.
  11. And that's how general recall happens.
  12. Finns are ashore, definitely no more racing today. According to the on-water reporter, only medal race is left, meaning the quotas are confirmed. However, a moment before her statement they interviewed Caleb Paine who said he's looking for the two races tomorrow (but then again, he admitted that he doesn't even know his current ranking while being interviewed, so who knows...).
  13. No medal for Hassler. PB for Lončar, first time sub-2 minutes.
  14. That's what the reporter said. And yes, they are still doubled.
  15. Finn will be decided today apparently. One more race is planned, but if it gets cancelled then it's over...
  16. No, I don't think 49ers will be coming out today.
  17. So Olujić is right now holding both last medal race place and last quota in Finn. But... 3 pts back, 5 pts, 6 pts, 10 pts, 12 pts... This can't possibly end well.
  18. Wow, Evi van Acker amazingly prounounced "Tonči Stipanović".
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