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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by dcro

  1. That's nothing compared to pole vault.
  2. Erent is 19 seconds up on his NR at 10 km. Renić almost a minute. Hopefully NRs will be broken.
  3. New twist! With 45:57 pace for 25 km, we are looking to smash Diniz's WR by around 2 hours!
  4. Which is not surprising considering his PB is 7 min slower.
  5. Toth is almost a minute behind his 2018 SB pace at 10km.
  6. 18:26 for 4 meters... With this pace we are hopefully looking at sub-161 days winning time.
  7. Erent walking with a group of women.
  8. So, Erent and Renić are just about ready to become the first ever Croatian walkers at one of the senior championships.
  9. 50km is not what it used to be. It'll be a one-horse race.
  10. We've entered the very final week of qualification period, as the window for meeting minimum requirements in all disciplines will be closed on August 13th. There aren't many competitions in midst of summer, however CDI Cappeln may be interesting, as both Jiochanna Androniki-Kordatzaki and Laurienne Dittmann will have their last ditch efforts to qualify for the Games. South African Olympic qualification very much depends on Dittmann's success, which is by no means a certain outcome.
  11. Again super predictable final two. Unbelieveable.
  12. That's it, it's impossible to organize a track race without confusion.
  13. What idiot thought it would be fun to have men and women racing each other? Absolutely pointless and ridiculous.
  14. If Čukman's performance is any sign of these championships...
  15. They added arrows... TISC Jubilee organizers should sue them for copyright infrigement.
  16. Funny name Skorobogatko. In Croatian it would basically mean "almost rich".
  17. No, it mostly depends on number of butterflies that flew over the athlete concerned during the past 21⁄2 weeks.
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