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Posts posted by Triplecast

  1. 1 hour ago, dodge said:

    Not showing sport live and leaving it to later in the day/evening is so archaic it’s hilarious. Literally wouldn’t be tolerated in any other country 

    You're right about that.


    The excuse you always hear from NBC is they are a commercial network, not a public broadcaster like everyone else, they have to maximize their ratings in prime time to get the most ad revenue they can.  The way they maximize ratings is put together a package of events in prime time that women will want to watch.  And what better than live swimming and taped gmnastics.


  2. 1 hour ago, Maxim Fastovsky said:

    it's a serious problem with NBC, i remember beijing 2008 when they started all the feeds on, they wouldn't have feeds of the main events and even swimming which was primetime in the east, i still had to wait 3 hours for them to show it in the west.


    Then for vancouver even though it was the same timezone as LA, they only showed live the canada-usa hockey final and it was a big deal that it was a live coast to coast


    For london they already improved and allowed streaming of gymanstics, swimming, track on nbcolympics, however you had to watch live because there would be no reruns, luckily an evening in london is still a pretty good time in here.


    If i remember correctly Rio was the breakthrough, live primetime coast to coast, and everything fully open on nbcolympics, along with rewind and replay even during the live feed, off course the timezone was very good for us.



    The one thing about peacock is that if you cant start the feed on time, you should wait for it to be over and then rewatch it, you cannot rewind midstream. I just turned on the diamond league on peacock and i cannot go to the start, just have to finish watching and then rewatch the beginning

    As bad a history as NBC has about holding things to primetime, there still were some great moments I saw live on the 2008 streams.  One of the most satifying to watch was actually the first stream I ever saw, the 2008 Women's sabre final, sometime around 6AM Eastern.  And it was done without commentary, IIRC. To the best of my memory, they withheld so much from streams, there were probably only 10 events or so streamed where there was a US gold medal.


    Vancouver as you say was even worse, I think they only streamed hockey and curling.


    Then The Dick Ebersole Era ended at NBC and things started to improve.


  3. 1 hour ago, Maxim Fastovsky said:

    While I'm fine watching it live on NBC Olympics with the OBS commentators good to see that now there is a way to see the us feed for gymnastics and track&field live


    1 hour ago, Quaker2001 said:

    And it'll be separate commentary teams, not the usual suspects on NBC.  So that will be a nice change of pace there to get 2 completely different broadcasts.  Easier on those crews so they don't have to pull double duty

    I'm being old school here, it's easy to conclude that athletics and artistic gymnastics are on Peacock  as opposed to regular networks is the old rule that once you broadcast something, its free game to other networks. e.g., you'd probably see the 100m replayed at least 100 times (slight exageration) before the prime time NBC broadcast if its shown live on any regular network.  So, again, NBC is embargoing prime events from the morning until they can be the first to show it on the primetime broadcast.   



  4. 1 hour ago, Quaker2001 said:

    As an American.. LOL.  I get things are different in Japan, but this reads like the kind of sleazy tactic some Americans were going with last year and probably got laughed out of the courtroom

    Yes, a US Court would likely quickly dismiss such a case for lack of jurisdiction.  Also, to get an injunction you have to show a strong liklihood that you would prevail on the merits.   I don't know the Japanese legal system either, but I would think a Japanese court would do something similar.




    1. Who were the most unexpected Qualifiers(Team/Individual) from your nation? 


        Because more favored athletes flubbed, but Anna Cockrell W 400 H and Katie Grimes 800 FS. Isaiah Jewett 800m (see below)    


    2.Which athletes/teams '  not qualifying  from your nation hurt you the most? 


    Donovan Brazier, 800 m, without question the most shocking.  Then Regan Smith in 200 back, Simone Manuel in 100 Free.  Not qualifying at all: Mens's 3x3  Also, not qualifying 5 boats in mens rowing, while US women were 7 for 7.  Also Womens' Field Hockey, given the promise they showed in 2016.     

  6. In the Eastern US, I'll be living the nocturnal life, with things starting at about 7-8 PM and going to 9:00AM the next morning, and then try sleeping from about 930AM to  600PM  I already have the 2 weeks off from work,  To try and adjust quickly, I'll get up at about 5-6AM on July 23, then trying to take a long nap in the afternoon, following the Opening Ceremony. 




  7. Just now, intoronto said:

    Did the USA forget the walks were on the Olympic program? 

    Yes, LOL, apparently so.  This must be first Olympics ever with zero USA race walkers.  I have not read anything about it, but I would think heat in Eugene had something to do with no one coming close to the standard.  Maybe in 2024, learning their lesson from here, they will have 20K trials in a cooler time of year.

  8. :USA  257/339  75.81%


    Archery    5/5

     Art. Swim   1/2

    Athletics   45/48

    Badminton   2/5

    Baseball/Softball 2/2

    Basketball    3/4

    Boxing      9/13

    Canoe SL    4/4

    Canoe SP   1/12

      Cycling TR   5/12

     Cycling Other 10/10

     Diving      7/8

     Equestrian   6/6

      Fencing    12/12

      Field Hockey 0/2

      Football  1/2

      Golf      2/2

      Gymnastics  18/18

      Handball   0/2

      Judo    2/15

      Karate    2/8

      Mod Pent   2/2

      Rowing    9/14

      Rugby   2/2

      Sailing   9/10

      Shooting   11/15

      Skateboard   4/4

      Sport Climb   2/2

      Surfing     2/2

      Swimming   37/37

      Table Tennis  4/5

      Tae Kwon Do   2/8

      Tennis       4/5

      Triathlon    3/3

      Volleyball   4/4

      Water Polo    2/2

      Weightlifting    8/14

      Wrestling    15/18


    Shooting - Mixed Events?

    Tennis - Mixed Doubles?




  9. 12 minutes ago, mpjmcevoy said:

    He does, and Sha' mysterious tweeted "I am human" about 6 hrs ago, which gives a lot of credence to this, If she has smoked weed the week of trials, she's a fool.


    Ban may be very short or even non-existent; the problem will be the invalidation of her trials results. If she is gone, seems likely to be a straight battle between Shelly Anne and Dina in the 100.


    Yes, incredibly stupid.  She's young though, but she'll learn a painful lesson.     

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