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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by OlympicIRL

  1. I am very familiar with this event
  2. Oh dear.... oh dear oh dear oh dear.... you have chosen #5 and inside that package you have sealed your destiny..... TRICK.....
  3. @mrv86 it's time to make your ghostly choice mwah hahahahaha.....
  4. I like it, sounds interesting to me anyway. But then again, it could be hard to keep up with that on the day since most of the time team events are updated by users on the day of the contest. But if it could be done it sounds interesting for sure. I wonder how is the best way of including Israel in the team element? How do we decide which team they are placed in? Even if they operate as a bonus or a forfeit, would be nice to have some way of deciding which team they go to in the end of competition so that they have something to play for too.
  5. No worries @Belle, as long as you sent the votes to @Dnl by the deadline, then you are good . @Dnl do we have any updates on how many nations have voted thus far?
  6. The last time we had 37 nations was TISC Open 2019 and the team format consisted of 12 teams of 3 nations. There were 3 legs and 2 members of each team paired up in each leg to try to win as many points as possible. And there was the “Denmark bonus” as they were the hosts. Not sure how that worked again to be honest Still no clue though if the final number will be 37 this time. It depends on whether everyone submits their votes.
  7. Since the host already sent their host to a neutral party, the voting window is now open for all other national juries. Jury members must send their votes in secret to @Dnl before the deadline on Saturday, October 30th
  8. Once we receive confirmation from @Dnl that he has voted then the voting window will be opened for everyone else. In the meantime, we can continue listening to the songs
  9. The host jury has requested a 24-hour extension to the host jury voting window. That means the window for all other national juries to vote has not opened yet. There will be a post on thread over the weekend to announce when the voting window will be opened
  10. I did my first complete listen. Will give them all another listen this weekend before making my initial cut.
  11. There are 38 songs in the playlist and 37 on the homepage. Where is the difference coming from? Is there one of the songs in the playlist twice or are we missing one in the first post? Nevermind: I found it. Canada’s song has 2 videos as 1 wasn’t available in Serbia. All good
  12. The new Brazilian entry has been posted here: So that means the registration period is now closed and I am happy to announce all 37 registered nations have successfully uploaded their entry for competition That means the voting window now opens for our host @Dnl who will have until Friday 15:00 to submit the votes of the host jury by private message to our designated neutral party. Once the host votes have been submitted the voting period for all other national juries will be opened. Stay tuned for that in the coming days and as always the schedule information is available on post 1 . So in the meantime, we can all start listening to the entries and wait for the voting window to open. Happy listening
  13. Yes absolutely. If you need a little time to think, we can give you another 24 hours. We are still waiting on and so we will extend the deadline by 24 hours in the hope of getting those 2 nations across the line and to give a chance of submitting an alternative entry. @Dnl I hope you don't mind this change in the deadline? @Glen @Ruslan if you can post your entries within the next 24 hours we can accept it.
  14. Sorry, I missed this also. Yes unfortunately this entry is not eligible for the Open contest this time... the cut-off for entries are songs released before December 31st 2016. Do you have another song choice in mind @titicow?
  15. Yes I think all of them are fine, unless I missed something, which is always possible Edit: looks like I probably missed something
  16. Sad to say it looks like we will have no African entry in an edition of TISC for the first time ever
  17. still to submit their entry and need to submit an alternative entry. Not long to go, fingers crossed we can have everyone before the deadline
  18. Hi @Illya, yes the Open Contest rules state that songs from the last 5 years are not permitted, so specifically the cut-off date for this contest is Dec 31 2016. The song can come from any time before that
  19. 36 nations entered and just 8 of them left to submit their song before tomorrow's deadline:
  20. Greece is now a 4-member multi-jury, matching the ever-populous Italian jury
  21. Just some updates on the registration so far: 33 nations entered 17 songs chosen 43 jury members Just a quick reminder to the following registered members that the song entry deadline is just 4 days away: @konig@LDOG@LuizGuilherme@Federer91@intoronto@dcro@Benolympique@Bohemia@EupenM@maestro@Ted@Yannakis@Ruslan@Fly_like_a_don@Dnl@Glen@mrv86@heywoodu@Wanderer@justony@dezbee2008@Olympian1010 And another call out to the following users, there's still time to register and participate, the more nations and jury members the better @KingOfTheRhinos@stefanbg@Laraja@titicow@vinipereira@Pabloffo@Finnator123@catgamer@Dragon@Makedonas@MHSN@Braulio@Ionoutz24@Skijumpingmaster@vovanA@DaniSRB@amen09@tuniscof@Illya@NaBUru38@Herki@Hipooo@Quasit@thepharoah@uk12points@Swewi@Jur@Monzanator@Dolby@Function CR Lee Just a reminder to all 2-member juries that if you wish to opt-in to the new rule regarding the combined voting process (see below). To opt-in you must firstly both agree that you wish to use the new rule and if so you must post on the TISC thread prior to the opening of the voting window to inform your choice. If you don't want to opt-in and use the standard process then you don't have to do anything. Thinking particularly of @Olympian1010 and @dezbee2008 who were interested in trialing this process . Rule 3 (d) (iv)
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