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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Palmisano kicked some Irish guy out of the way
  2. Russian has kicked it up... Bosworth down to 4th and losing ground.
  3. I picked Lewandowski for silver so I'm cool with that.
  4. Okay, so maybe Lewandowski can snatch a medal for Poland
  5. Czykier in 4th kinda exceeded expectations but the times were SLOW!
  6. Big success for Sabat with that 5th place in her first major championship. Lithuania gets that medal in the javelin.
  7. Warholm will probably go off like crazy. Zalewski chasing him might be too much...
  8. Sprunger to the form. GB upset for bronze and Doyle was completely nowhere.
  9. Vajdlech with the old 163.3 rule breach - overstepping the lane
  10. Germany saving their championships with the javelin
  11. BBC will say how Thiam denied KJT gold Like KJT has ever beaten Thiam for gold NR for Dadic.
  12. Ennis' old coach says on BBC it's still not over between Thiam and KJT. They're absolutely clueless. They probably still wonder how Thiam beat Ennis in Rio. What a bunch of tools
  13. She's been an epic failure in the seniors. She won like 120 races in a row in the youth & junior categories. I watched the race when some US girl beat her at the World Youth Champs in Moncton IIRC.
  14. Beth Dobbin has been called 'Scottish' more times in this race than Laura Muir was during her entire career.
  15. At least you know a river in Poland now I still don't know if there are any rivers in the Netherlands? Probably not
  16. But everyone knows that so what stops athletes in Heat 1 or 2 from going faster?
  17. Without this rule we'd have jogging races (to save energy for future races) with everyone trying to win it inside the last 50 = BORING!!!
  18. They can't pronounce nor spell Kszczot west of Oder
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