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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Horrible TV directing. A complete "F### off" once Muir crossed the line
  2. I have a feeling Jasna might take over from Spindleruv Mlyn for a while. Just make sure to offer the biggest prize aka Zagreb style and you'll have WC until Vlhova retires
  3. You expected something else? If Nilsson didn't recover from that injury, Norway would have swept all cc gold medals!
  4. If Holund picked up a flag he'd be OVER the bet! That's the best setting for this bet anyway
  5. First and probaby last win for Holund. Kershaw talking crap again like he doesn't remember Johan Olsson in Val di Fiemme. Between Pyongchang and Seefeld Bolshunov has won 7 silvers & 1 bronze in a span of 12 months! Can we call him the Silver Bear already?
  6. I tuned him at the 43k mark since the Indoor Athletics ended... Polish ES crew says Holund will hold on...
  7. Mavrodieva 19,12 PB beats Schwanitz for gold by 1 cm
  8. He's not a pure hurdler tbh. He started out in decathlon and 400m. Hurdles came later.
  9. The Indoor season suffers in general for quite some time because all the money is in Diamond League anyway. Several athletes find zero interest in winter competition but IAAF tries to do something about it hence the introduction of World Indoor Tour. Another mistake was adding the extra outdoor EC in the Olympic season which makes zero sense whatsoever. Not to mention some 100/400 speciallists hate running indoors and rarely do it. Adam Kszczot probaby would have won his 4th indoor title but said he needs the first winter off in almost 10 years to focus on Tokyo
  10. And this poor Takanashi jump basically cost Japan the bronze IMO. They only lost 9.8 pts to Norway in the end. Another choke job on the global stage for her. I'm out of excuses
  11. 6th place for which is a huge result considering our women's jumping is openly ignored by our Federation since like forever. We're years behind the best despite having a good potential on the men's side. We should be sending girls to these champs pretty much since 2013 and this was the first time. Can't stand this idiot Tajner who runs our Fed. He cares more about his 20+ years younger mistresses than female ski jumpers.
  12. When you're the "best ever" you should be expected to slaughter some 17 yo juniors from Poland who have never been to World Champs before IMO.
  13. Team mixed NH about to start. has this in the bag? is eyeing an 8th place finish and the government funding that comes with it (more important for the girls tbh). I believe 5th is our best place available if the girls perform at their top level. But I expect 6th-7th.
  14. I'll let our German expert bitch about the finish! gets 8th (best WCh team finish ever) and secures the government funding which was the main goal!
  15. Let's face it, nordic combined is probably the least followed event of the entire FIS World Cup series. It's like luge on skis for Germany so obviously every German pretends to be an expert. There is no discussion available because Netherlands & Poland play zero part in any success in this event (but we're at our best since the early 90s right now thanks to a bunch of ex-ski jumpers who instead of quitting the sport actually switched over to NC). So I speak my mind and I don't follow any majority because I don't read any NC press and there's like ZERO TV coverage for nordic combined in Poland. TVP Sport doesn't even broadcast the NC events here, they have a lenghty ski jumping studio instead However I see that Gruber is still the best skier Austria has and that's enough for me not to call his performances random also given his past success. If Kircheisen did the same you'd be praising the old fox but Gruber? And I don't even care about the usua Germany vs Austria cc beef which probably explains why you dislike Gruber so much
  16. Is it closer from Krasnoyarsk to Moscow or maybe Tokyo? Siberia in March? Not my primary choice for anything!
  17. Swoboda with the fastest time in the 60m heats but she can always get tight when it matters the most. Karolina Koleczek flops in the 60m H heats to join Iga Baumgart-Witan's shocker yesterday
  18. Gruber has build a huge gap on the first relay leg... probably another completely random performance
  19. I believe Vasaloppet takes the early morning slot tomorrow (8 am CET)
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