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Everything posted by rybak

  1. I will remember forever "emotional lady" from TISC
  2. And 6th place for us after Żyła's DSQ in first serie, not bad
  3. 7th place after first serie and we still can pass Switzerland, not bad after all
  4. While in European Cup in Altenberg we could see very first ever in whole history Polish two-men's bob team on the first place on podium For sure soon or later your team will be better, season is long
  5. First match and first win for our team
  6. How our mens are weak, even Staręga can't be in top30 in sprint
  7. Szczepan on 13th place But he improved or wind helped him?
  8. Sansa* It's my list of who I like of the houses: Targaryen: Daenerys (ofc) Stark: Robb, Catelyn and Jon Snow (ofc too ) Tyrell: Olenna and Margaery Martell: No one, I'm not sure if it should counts in this house but I liked only Tyene Sand Baratheon: Renly and Myrcella - sadly both are gone Greyjoy: Yara Arryn: No one Lannister: Tyrion and Jamie (I started like him when he saved Brienne of eating by bear) Bolton: No one And others characters which I like/d were or are: Ygritte, Osha, Irii, Bronn, Tormund (I hope that he somehow survived when the wall collapsed), Davos, Missandei, Podrick and Meera Reed.
  9. Why you sorry about this? Every person have different taste, honestly I also like few romance movies, so, there is nothing wrong with this
  10. Ah, okm Which type of TV shows you prefer?
  11. Haha, I don't think so I recommend you to watching this serie if you like fantasy drama First two-three episodes are little boring but every next episode are much more than awesome
  12. By very long I couldn't convince myself to watch Game of Thrones, but after many good opinions about serie from close to me people I decided to watch it. Now I can't understand why I didn't watched this earlier From being very sceptic now I'm fanatic, because how you can call a person which watched all 67 episodes in less than four weeks, when almost everyday by half of day I'm outside home I wrote this because I want know which characters or family are your favourites through all seven seasons, what do you expect from eight season which will be sadly last season, who will take Iron Throne and will be Night King beaten, or Night King will take the throne and every person which survived from the Great War will escape to Essos?
  13. I was talking about overthrow (officially he resigned himself) which happened yesterday.
  14. And not too much younger Oystein is too
  15. Since around 80% posts in this thread are related with world politics only I'm shocked that how it's possible that no one yet not mentioned even one word about overthrow of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe
  16. I'm so happy that we will have again two world cup stages in North America Both Canada and USA deserve for hosting world cup every season. But I'm worried that once again at both these stages some good athletes might skip it, because it's just 2-3 weeks before World Championships :/
  17. You complain just like an emotional lady But seriously, I agree that he spoils good atmosphere not only during TISC's but at also in whole forum. People which have possibility of eventual banning users should consider this.
  18. Today I listened this song for the first time since many months and I'm still in love with this
  19. I will never leave TISC for WINTERFEST, until penguins will not attack me, you know, they are dangerous sometimes But I must admit that I liked this music without any emphasis.
  20. It's true Sadly neither of Colombia and Ireland haven't 12 points from me. This song (music) was the best for me.
  21. Damn it! I just now realized that my votes were presented wrong yesterday This one is correct, sorry @OlympicIRL and @amen09 for mess Poland Antarctica 12 Tunisia 11 Great Britain 10 Greece 9 Serbia 8 Estonia 7 Turkey 6 United States 5 Croatia 4 Slovenia 3 Portugal 2 Romania 1
  22. I support idea that @dezbee2008 would be next host of open contest
  23. And who will host next edition of Open Contest? You will take it or will be game again?
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