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Totallympics Superstar
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by rybak

  1. Second non-qualification for ? I hope Now Go!
  2. And what you think about your entry @dcro?
  3. Pure women, pure beauty, pure song, ideal candidate to win Go Elina!!!
  4. Was, now is favourite I hope that Netta will stay in semifinal...
  5. Sennek "metter of tejm"?! Really?
  6. Hopefully Albania will make a final
  7. Azerbaijan Iceland and now Albania @bestmen
  8. It's very difficult semifinal, everything can happen, no matter what, some really good songs will be for sure out
  9. After jury show Cyprus is second in odds to win the contest
  10. Joao Sousa won the title in Estroil, it's first time that player from Portugal win home event
  11. I don't know if someone noticed this but in within of just one(!) week in odds Moldova jumped from 26th place to 10th And if someone is interested in next hour "opening ceremony" will begin, you can watch it here
  12. So, My Top10 is (after all second rehearsals): 12 - Estonia 10 - Cyprus 8 - Denmark 7 - France 6 - Greece 5 - Latvia 4 - Netherlands 3 - Finland 2 - Italy 1 - Montenegro
  13. Ok Then here is little spolier from their first rehearsal
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