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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by rybak

  1. Who this Samba guy is? I hear about him for the first time, come out of nowhere, it's bad sign...
  2. Finally we have medal and it's silver!
  3. Yes, finally the best fantasy game is back I create new account as I forgot passowrd to this previous
  4. Happy belated birthday @Belle and @dcro
  5. So, I will be next who also will publish other cadidates to represent Poland in Annual TISC but after many considerations weren't choosen after all: Was any song better than choosen one?
  6. In nights now here is always between 8-14, but should be 3-8, as current weather is more similar to summer than spring And ofc this warm or let's say hot day was finished with thunderstorm
  7. For sure they will make some mess in next contest, which won't be helpful for @dezbee2008
  8. Oops, but it's not surprise that I made an small mistake as here is 2:36 AM Thanks
  9. So, once again congrats @Gianlu33 @Henry_Leon @Pablita and @SteveParker Well deserved win, even if I not voted for your song (Italy was 4th in my reserve list, higher was yet Azerbaijan, Venezuela and first on reserve list Tunisia) Thanks @vinipereira for organizing well this contest, with every half of year TISC is being better and better and more intense And thanks everyone who voted for Polish song, 110 points and 8th place is very good result, but it would amazing if I would pass Ireland Looking forward for next contest @dezbee2008, good luck in hosting (I think that I already decided which song I will presented there )
  10. It was the same in my case, then they finished with 11 in my voting
  11. Congrats Team Italy, well done Good luck in hosting next year, looking forward for next amazing TISC
  12. Be serious now: GREECE 12 FINLAND 11 AUSTRIA 10 SLOVENIA 9 INDIA 8 UNITED STATES 7 ARGENTINA 6 RUSSIA 5 SLOVAKIA 4 NETHERLANDS 3 GERMANY 2 MOLDOVA 1 To były głosy z Polski, dziękuje za uwagę! These were the votes of Poland. Thank you for attention
  13. ANTARCTICA 12 FINLAND 11 AUSTRIA 10 SLOVENIA 9 INDIA 8 UNITED STATES 7 ARGENTINA 6 RUSSIA 5 SLOVAKIA 4 NETHERLANDS 3 GERMANY 2 MOLDOVA 1 To były głosy z Polski, dziękuje za uwagę! These were the votes of Poland. Thank you for attention
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