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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by rybak

  1. So, we will fight with hosts about staying in this division, it doesn't look good at all
  2. I would say that Congrats, we will probably stay in this division once again
  3. It's one of first Avicii's songs. I still can't believe that he leave us...
  4. Thanks for wishes @hckosice @Bohemia @Gianlu33 @Benolympique and @dcro
  5. Thank you It's just 16 minutes after midnight here And Happy Birthday @Bohemia
  6. The groups for qualifications to Men's European Championships in 2020 are set: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  7. Eva Tofalvi (biathlon) retired as well...
  8. I would give him chance, because he come back and posted something only for contest fourth time
  9. Ok, but it's unfair then that we have Antarctica in group as they will not win any points
  10. Ok, Poland will vote as one of last juries, good for me Can anyone explain me what those groups mean and why I have in the group those naughty penguins?
  11. He was online today, maybe we should give him one more day for vote if will not do it before deadline, @vinipereira?
  12. Yes, I not tagged him on purpose as he for sure received message from vini about problems in his voting.
  13. Just two days left to vote @Il_qar @Agger @Finnator123 @catgamer @Janakis @Dolby @MHSN @OlympicIRL @Ruslan @Glen @mrv86 @heywoodu @justony @DaniSRB @dareza @Belle @amen09 @Memo @Argenis Gonzalez I know that most of you are aware about this but little reminder will be good
  14. As many as Bach was mentioned in Pyeongchang "Olympic champion, fencing, 1976"
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