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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/2019 in all areas

  1. Soon...there will be no escape... TISC #13 Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019 Coming this September... Are you ready?
    4 points
  2. France winning this would be very unpleasant, go Argentina. AUS-CZE 33-30 at half time.
    3 points
  3. 3 points
  4. it's not the players that are's Adam Silver and Nike, which is a lot worse than having just the players in a bad mood... we can fairly say that the Olympic stage is billion times bigger than the world cup...therefore there's no way we're gonna see a C or D team next year... we'll see the Leflops (ops...I mean Lebron), Kahwi, Steph & co...and obviously they're going to destroy the rest of the happened after any of their losses (apart from the back to back disgrace in 2002 and 2004, when their disinterest for anything outside their backyard was at the top since the cold war times)...
    2 points
  5. Some days ago I could not sleep, so I woke up in the night and start baking these It is called "Danubio", literally Danube, as the mitteleuropean river. Essentially it is a set of small pieces of dough filled and baked together, so they can bump up and merge. It can be both sweet or salty, depending on the fill. The first photo, with my foot saying hello, is sweet and it is filled with custard and sour cherries (both homemade), the other is salty, with ham and cheese.
    2 points
  6. NBA is thriving on players becoming stars both on & off the court. The Dream Team mantra "We're gonna show the world how good we are" is dead. Players don't even care about their clubs in the NBA. It's all eyez on ME, not the club hence you see all these trades & moves all across the league. Even Toronto couldn't keep Kawhi after winning the title. Nobody wants to play in the Madison Square Garden anymore. Can you imagine players choosing Nets over the Knicks even 20 years ago? Or Clippers over the Lakers? Hell no. USA bombing out at the Worlds is just a by-product of the individual culture running wild in the NBA right now. And basketball is supposedly a team sport last time I checked. USA just didn't bring a team here, just a group of individuals.
    2 points
  7. Middleton and Walker are the examples that anyone can get a max contract in the NBA these days. Mitchell was the only one who showed up for the US.
    2 points
  8. congrats to France,awesome
    2 points
  9. BJ Habibie, our 3rd president, died this evening. Despite only holding the office for a year, he did a lot of things to stabilize the country such as freedom for press, started decentralization, starting first steps of anti-discrimination laws, and holding referendum for East Timor (which resulted in his downfall). May he rest in peace
    2 points
  10. Congrats France , wow
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. Not on here, but definitely in the Netherlands. Greece indeed 'sank' with coach John van 't Schip ('Schip' = ship in Dutch)
    2 points
  13. I don't know if it's still the same but there used to be a funny rule in AIBA, if you lose a match by KO, you can't participate for something 6 months (or 3 ? can't remember) well at least in this sport we should not be worried about the Israelis, because they suck and we do too I was watching some matches today, 91kg first round between Iran and Iraq, after the 2nd round, our coach was telling the boxer "bro you lost both rounds, you are down, you have to do something special in the 3rd round, go for KO" and our boxer did exactly the same thing as the first two rounds and guess what, they announced him as the winner this is terrible, watching boxing is like watching basketball with no scoreboard and I don't mean the normal basketball. a new version when it's up to the refs if they give 1-2 or 3 points for a shoot, you will only know the score after the match
    2 points
  14. Also it looks like we got the right Armenian
    2 points
  15. They declare support, but their not bound to vote that way.
    1 point
  16. This should result in an immediate ban from the forum . I love cheese. I put it on everything. I’ll try different types for different dishes. I’m big into salty, savory dishes; so cheese, olives, grains, and salt are main stays in my diet.
    1 point
  17. it's the home of Japanese Martial Arts (especially, Judo and Karate)... Sumo is not played there...
    1 point
  18. And it's official, Rwanda is a candidate for the 2025 world championships Come on, finish the bid process now and give it to them for the world championships with the best atmosphere in the history of world championships
    1 point
  19. love the sweet one... I'd love also the salty one, if only there was no cheese (I hate it, any type and in any form...and I don't eat anything that has even the smallest amount of cheese in/on it, with a couple of notable exceptions...ravioli/tortellini -but only those filled mainly with meat or ham, no way I can eat those with cheese and vegetables like ricotta & spinaci or so- and Tiramisu)...
    1 point
  20. Try again all matches will be for free on even the matches from Miskolc and Budapest Tomorrows opener is on RTVS 2 and on web. + RTVS will broadcast live one match each Sunday, and all games from the Play-Offs on
    1 point
  21. Thanks. Well, everything is set for a great and memorable season. with the return of Slovan, the new format changes and new rules it may have a potential to be one of the best seasons for many years. Btw after the removal of the U20 National Team project the federation established a new rule every team will have to play every match with at least one U20 Slovak player. Also to notice, the maximum number of foreigners was reduced to seven per roster, which may help our young players even more.
    1 point
  22. great! good luck to your team... surely tomorrow I'm gonna watch both the Slovak and the Czech opening games (sad that they are basically at the same time)... however, this is a great weekend, with all the major European leagues starting (other than the KHL, which is already well underway)...I hope it's gonna be an entertaining season all around...
    1 point
  23. Mislim da je problem sasvim drugačiji, ali dobro Mnogo je ljudi koji su besni zbog toga što su čuli na vestima svih televizija da smo favoriti za zlato, nekome je pao tiket, a neko jednostavno misli da su sportisti dužni da pobeđuju na svakom takmičenju ZBOG NACIJE I PATRIOTIZMA. Neretko se desi da gomila ljudi ima iskrivljenu sliku o sportu. Tek ove godine sam video pozitivne komentare o Ani i Jeleni, recimo, gde su tek sada ljudi svesni šta su one postigle kada smo spali na Ivanu u top 100 Previše ljudi voli uspeh, a premalo sport kao takav. Govorim uglavnom o ljudima koji posećuju mainstream portale, pošto verujem da pravi ljubitelji nemaju snage za glupe komentare po portalima nakon teških poraza
    1 point
  24. this is the hall of Karate " the Nippon Budokan "
    1 point
  25. The president of NOC today officially send our aplication to the Tokyo Organizing committee via mail and by this officially confirmed our participation in the 2020 Summer Olympic Games and look, look who was there, during the ceremony, and had a speech, no one else than Rory Sabbatini also Takuya Haneda the most Slovakian of the Japanese
    1 point
  26. Now USA players are probably angry and next year will demolish all teams in their road
    1 point
  27. No idea. I just discovered this news on our Volleyball federation site. I don´t know anything else. Maybe it will be unveiled later, the tournament starts 18th September, there 2 quotas to be awarded for both finalists.
    1 point
  28. Breakfast at 17:00, Main Training session from 20:00, Lunch around midnight and then the second training phase untill 03:00 AM, this is the last training camp program of Matej Tóth in Cyprus 2 weeks before the World Championships
    1 point
  29. Izvini i ti ali ako je od 1000 komentara 960 njih u pravcu defetizma, to postaje objektivno. Pa poslusaj sta kaze Raduljica. Definicija defetizma.
    1 point
  30. CCB

    Netherlands National Thread

    Vandaag winnen van Israel betekent een playoff tegen het matige Frankrijk; vandaag verliezen betekent een playoff tegen het sterke Spanje.
    1 point
  31. it's so sad, but you're absolutely right...
    1 point
  32. just 1 your doc, Benin's skater has Family name and given name inverted...Georges is the given name, Agonkouin is the Family name...
    1 point
  33. Voor de hockeyers moet het lukken, normaal gesproken. De honkballers, volleybalsters, handbalsters en waterpolosters hebben allemaal nog wel een in meer of mindere mate realistische kans, ik zou het erg teleurstellend vinden als die vier bij elkaar niet één startbewijs opleveren, zelfs twee is zeker niet onmogelijk lijkt me.
    1 point
  34. If in a tennis match, player A wins 3 sets 7-6 while player B wins 2 sets 6-0, who according to you is the real winner? Player A or player B?
    1 point
  35. I have no doubt it is generally easier to make it as a white male, at least in Western society, that's not my point, at all. My point is: no matter how hard or easy it is to get somewhere, the position - especially that of president - should always, without any doubt, go to the person one considers most qualified. If that's a black woman, perfectly fine, choose her. If that's non-binary mixed Asian-Arab-Native American-Caucasian-Latin panfluidsexual transgender, just as fine, choose this person. If that's an older white male, just as fine, choose him. As long as people don't go about voting based on what someone's religion, sexual orientation or skin colour is, both in a negative way (which I know happens a lot) or in a 'positive' way (because it's not a positive thing to get elected mostly because of anything but your political actions).
    1 point
  36. A little up to the north, a bit over one and a half hour by train apparently It interests me enough to follow it, not so much to actually go there
    1 point
  37. I never expected a semifinal, i dont have words to describe my happines with this team.
    1 point
  38. Plus, it’s hard to run a country with the temper of a 2 year old . He wasn’t huge on social media by the way. It was more than he did well on TV and made a name for himself. Democratic candidates have been much better at running social media campaigns with the exception of Hilary.
    1 point
  39. Biden would be a horrible choice IMO. In my eyes, he's nothing more than a recrement of past regimes and many people probably see him as part of the problem, not the solution. One would think that Dems had learnt their lesson after Hilary's fiasco 3 years ago, but they still go for washed up faces over and over again. They needed relatively young and energetic candidate (like Castro or O'Rourke) to defeat Trump, who would inspire younger voters and minorities to cast their votes, who would represent a real opposition on the political continuum. Sanders and Biden had enough chances to run for POTUS, it's time for some younger and fresher faces. It's so obvious that it hurts... to everyone except Democrats' establishment
    1 point
  40. African youth football is a mystery. Maybe ask @thepharoah
    1 point
  41. Well the NCAA makes a lot of money off using their names on merchandise. The argument is that these athletes are destroying themselves for an education and the least we could do is pay them too. I very conflicted by it, but I’m not a fan of the NCAA. If this law forces California schools to create a rival league, I’ll support it.
    1 point
  42. Especially if it ever wants to get back. I'm gonna keep hoping the only shooting event I really like gets back on the program some day..
    1 point
  43. frankly I don't know why they still keep this event in the program...once it's been thrown out of the Olympics, it was clear that it was dead and gone... fuc*in' IOC and ISSF!
    1 point
  44. Well, our boys played like there was no tommorow, but in the end was much stronger and deservedly won. This tournament is not over yet, we will fight for 5th to 8 th place and I hope we can get something more. Anyway, this was an amazing tournament, hardly anyone expected anything from this team, but they proved their worth. They have every reasonm to be proud.
    1 point
  45. I love the amount of effort Asian countries have been putting into hosting events. During the Winter Olympics, Korea had their students do a bunch of traditional things for other countries too:
    1 point
  46. but yes, somehow I expect this debacle. It was clear in match against Spain that we are far from top, but I believed that maybe we will be better. So, probably no even quota for us here, but it will be better next year with I belive new coach. and btw Argentina was perfect today. Impressive.
    1 point
  47. First, Argentina is my second team Second, I agree...congrats to me
    1 point
  48. CampaGOD this is amazing, I'm speechless.
    1 point
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