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Totallympics Awards 2023

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Official Schedule

00:00 First Stage Voting Opens

22:00 First Stage Voting Deadline

20:00 Totallympics Awards Nominations
22:00 Second Stage Voting Opens

22:00 Second Stage Voting Deadline

16:00 Totallympics Awards Ceremony


Edited by vinipereira
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Voters (22 | 34)


:BRA  @Mateus Nagime X X


 @vinipereira X X
:CAN  @intoronto   X
:CAN  @Josh X X
:CAN  @Topicmaster1010 X X
:DEN  @Wumo X X
:GER  @OlympicsFan X X
:GBR  @Mkbw50 X X
:GBR  @TeamGB   X
:GBR  @uk12points   X
:GRE  @maestro X X
:IND  @Siddhartha Talukdar X X
:IRL  @dodge   X
:IRL  @Ogreman   X
:ITA  @Gianlu33   X
:ITA  @Giovanni Gianni Cattaneo X X
:ITA  @Henry_Leon X X
:ITA  @Matteo92 X X
:ITA  @phelps X X
:NED  @Dennis   X
:NED  @heywoodu X X
:NED  @Jinzha X X
:NZL  @Wanderer   X
:POL  @Adriano X  
:POL  @MinisterBHP   X
:POL  @Monzanator X X
:POL  @rafalgorka X X
:POL  @rybak   X
:ROU  @IoNuTzZ   X
:SVK  @hckošice X X
:SLO  @justony   X
:ESP  @Cobi   X
:SWE  @Belle X X
:USA  @Olympian1010 X X
Edited by vinipereira
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Hi, Totallympics' members! Welcome to the Totallympics Awards, a celebration of the year in sports. Once again, we invite you to take part in the voting process that will elect the best in sports from 2023 in several categories – including the two big prizes for Best Male Athlete and Best Female Athlete. Which better place than Totallympics, home of Olympic Sports, to honour your favorites athletes and teams?


As in our successful edition last year, we hope to count with voters from as many nations as possible. If you want to participate, please follow the instructions here when the first stage voting opens. In the meantime, you are allowed to make comments and suggestions regarding your personal preferences. Below, we explain the categories and voting process in detail.





  • Best Male Athlete


  • Best Female Athlete


  • Best Non-Olympic Athlete


  • Best Paralympic Athlete


  • Best Youth Athlete


  • Best Men's Team


  • Best Women's Team


  • Best Doubles/Pair or Mixed Team


  • Breakthrough of the Year


  • Comeback of the Year


  • Sport Moment of the Year



Special Awards


  • Totallympics' Stars Award


  • Lifetime Achievement Award



The Totallympics Awards will consist of 11 categories (each with 6 nominees) and two special awards. The top categories are Best Male Athlete and Best Female Athlete, in which voters will recognize the best athletes of the year in Olympic sports only (Summer or Winter). Such restriction applies only to these categories.


Athletes who participate in sports that are not part of the Olympic Games or who are most prominent in disciplines that are not included in the Olympic program will compete for the Non-Olympic Athlete award – a category that will combine male and female athletes, just like all other individual awards. The Best Paralympic Athlete category will acknowledge the outstanding athletes with a disability that highlighted the Paralympic movement in 2023.


Younger athletes will be up for Best Youth Athlete, a category for talents up to 18 years old – to be eligible, an athlete must have been born after 1 January 2005. The Breakthrough of the Year is a category for the most improved athlete/team of the year and applies for athletes aged 19 or over – athletes or teams nominated last year for this award are not eligible this time.


Although athletes from team sports can be nominated for all individual awards, they will also be in the running for two other categories: Best Men's Team and Best Women's Team. As the name suggests, national teams or groups can be nominated in these categories, in both Olympic and Non-Olympic sports, Paralympic sports included. Sportspeople competing in 2-athlete events or mixed events will be up for Best Doubles/Pair or Mixed Team award.


The Comeback of the Year award will honour the athletes or teams who made a comeback performance in 2023, while the Sport Moment of the Year will bring moments that thrilled sports fans this year. As for the special categories, the Totallympics' Stars award will celebrate our members, while the Lifetime Achievement will recognize retired sport personalities that have made a contribution to sports world. Both awards won't have a list of nominees, only winners.




Voting System




The first stage of voting will happen from Friday, December 15th to Friday, December 22nd. Voters will choose, in order of preference, a minimum of 3 athletes or teams and a maximum of 6 for each category in which they decide to vote – with the exception of Best Male Athlete and Best Female Athlete, voters can decide whether to vote in other categories or not. Voters are also allowed to choose athletes and teams from their own nation, however, out of the 6 possible choices, voters can only vote for one (1) athlete or team from their own nation per category.


In each category, votes (in order of preference) will be converted into points, following the system explained below:




After the points are counted, the top 6 with most points in each category will advance for the second stage. A tiebreaker will be used when there's a tie in points for the 6th spot, prevailing the total number of votes, and then the number of #1 votes. If the tie persists, a random draw will be conducted to determine the final nominee. The list of nominees for the Totallympics Awards will be announced on Sunday, December 24th, 2023.





The second stage of voting will happen from Sunday, December 24th to Saturday, December 30th. Here, voters will rank a maximum of 3 favourite nominees in each category, but they also can make a single choice per category. With the exception of Best Male Athlete and Best Female Athlete, for which voting is required in order to participate, members can vote in any categories they want. Just like in the first stage, votes will be converted into points, this time in a slightly different way, as can be seen below:




After the voting process ends, the nominees with the most points in each category will be the winners of 2023 Totallympics Awards. As in the first stage, a tiebreaker is necessary when two or more nominees obtain the same number of points, prevailing the total number of votes, and then the number of #1 votes. If the tie persists, results of first stage will be considered. Along with the Totallympics' Stars and the Lifetime Achievement awards, all winners will be announced in a live ceremony Monday, January 1st, which will bring together Totallympics members in a celebration of the year in sports.


Edited by vinipereira
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All Totallympics members can vote, but voters must follow some rules:


  • In all categories, votes must be written in order of preference;


  • Votes are required, at least, for the Best Female and Best Male Athlete categories;


  • You don't have to vote in every category, but at least 3 choices are required in the categories you vote in;


  • You can vote for athletes and teams from your own nation, but only 1 vote is allowed in each category.



Voters must copy the design below, fill in the categories they want to vote, and send it to @vinipereira via DM.


Voters have until Sunday, December 24th to vote. Please contact me if you have any questions.



Voting Design


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Voting for the 2023 Totallympics Awards winners is now open (click the image above).


All Totallympics members can vote, including those who didn't vote in the first stage.


Voters have until Saturday, December 30th to vote.



  • Before voting, don't forget to include your Totallympics' username. The list of voters will be updated here.


  • For each category, you can rank a maximum of three nominees of your preference, following the order:


                    #1 (20 points)


                    #2 (10 points)


                    #3 (5 points)


  • You don't have to rank 3 nominees. You can rank 2 or simply pick only one (20 points) per category;


  • You don't have to vote in all categories, only the ones you want. Votes can be edited until the deadline.


Edited by vinipereira
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Hello, everybody! After the return of the Totallympics Awards last year, I think it's time to start discussing the 2023 edition. There's a tentative schedule in the first post, in which the first stage of voting will begin on Friday, December 15th. In the coming days, Totallympics members are allowed to post suggestions and share their voting preferences in this thread. I'll be adding the names of potential voters here.


There is now a clearer distinction between the Best Youth Athlete and Breakthrough of the Year categories. Athletes up to 18 years old (those born after 1 January 2005) will compete for the first award. They are not eligible for the Breakthrough category, which is for the most improved athletes aged 19 or over. Of course, athletes or teams there were nominated last year for the Breakthrough award are not eligible this time for the category.


As 9 categories are already confirmed, there will be a discussion about other competitive categories. We have to find a solution for the Best Doubles or Pair and Mixed Teams categories, as well as any addition of new categories (maybe Comeback of the Year?).


Once again, I hope to count with as many voters as possible, so you're all invited :yes

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@vinipereira any consideration given to having more than one category for adaptive athletes (ie. splitting individuals and teams, or doing gendered individual awards)?

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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  On 12/3/2023 at 7:41 PM, Olympian1010 said:

@vinipereira any consideration given to having more than one category for adaptive athletes (ie. splitting individuals and teams, or doing gendered individual awards)?


Only a few Totallympics members follow Paralympic sports, I think less than half of participants voted in this category last year, so if we do gendered awards it could lead to people being nominated with just 1 or 2 votes, which isn't great. So while I support the idea, I don't know if it would work here...

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I think there's something to be said for a 'Best Sporting Moment of the year' classification - that stand out Olympic sport episode, separate from the best athlete. It can even be sort of negative - a sporting howler that created a monumental climax


I think there's possibly a similar class for a kind of 'social moment' of the year, when an athlete somehow transcended sport - think Rashford's food drive or the ~US gymnasts taking on their federation over Nasser et al from years past.

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Last year we had the problem of mixed teams that didn't fit into any category. Many suggestions were made and I would like to find a way to include them without reducing the number of categories. We currently have three teams or doubles categories:


  • Best Men's Team


  • Best Women's Team


  • Best Doubles or Pair


I thought about adding a Best Mixed Team category (which also would include groups), but I don't know if we would have enough worthy candidates other than Equestrian, especially in a non-Olympic year. Do you guys have any suggestion?

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