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13 hours ago, Olympian1010 said:

@Dennis Just wanted to catch up with you and hear how you’re doing.

Thanks man! I'm doing great. In total I was sick for about 5 days, 3 of which I felt very ill with a high fever and afterwards I lost my taste and my smell, which was a strange experience but nothing bad.


Hope everyone here is still healthy and manages to keep their spirits up.

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Unrelated and unaffiliated is all I have to say about that. The 1010 part of my user name is personal, and honestly rather easy to figure out. I’ve never actually another user (anywhere) with 1010 before, so hi @Topicmaster1010

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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Same quiz was on TV again, some of the 50 questions for those interested :p 



1) What is the right way to spell the name of this drink?
A. Tequila
B. Tequilla
C. Tequilia


2) What is the name of a supernatural, invisible being, which according to some Islamic scholars can take possession of people?
A. Djinn
B. Fakir
C. Mufti


3) Sort these three continents in order, starting with the smallest and ending with the biggest:


4) What does a diamond consist of?
A. Quartz
B. Carbon
C. Sand


5) Which animal has at least 10 legs?
A. Lobster
B. Ant
C. Spider


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58 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:

Unrelated and unaffiliated is all I have to say about that. The 1010 part of my user name is personal, and honestly rather easy to figure out. I’ve never actually another user (anywhere) with 1010 before, so hi @Topicmaster1010



Yeah, I also never saw a person with a username with 1010 in it before you so it was a welcome sight. I can now see how you got the number. 


For me, it's actually kind of a funny story. When I was originally creating a number, I wanted to use the numbers of my two favourite baseball players which were 19 and 10 and put them together. However, when I was creating the username for the first time, I accidentally hit 0 instead of 9 so I ended up with 1010 and I've stuck with that ever since. :d


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11 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

Same quiz was on TV again, some of the 50 questions for those interested :p 



1) What is the right way to spell the name of this drink?
A. Tequila
B. Tequilla
C. Tequilia


2) What is the name of a supernatural, invisible being, which according to some Islamic scholars can take possession of people?
A. Djinn
B. Fakir
C. Mufti


3) Sort these three continents in order, starting with the smallest and ending with the biggest:


4) What does a diamond consist of?
A. Quartz
B. Carbon
C. Sand


5) Which animal has at least 10 legs?
A. Lobster
B. Ant
C. Spider


Speaking of quiz, this reminds me of: :p


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49 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

Same quiz was on TV again, some of the 50 questions for those interested :p 



1) What is the right way to spell the name of this drink?
A. Tequila
B. Tequilla
C. Tequilia


2) What is the name of a supernatural, invisible being, which according to some Islamic scholars can take possession of people?
A. Djinn
B. Fakir
C. Mufti


3) Sort these three continents in order, starting with the smallest and ending with the biggest:


4) What does a diamond consist of?
A. Quartz
B. Carbon
C. Sand


5) Which animal has at least 10 legs?
A. Lobster
B. Ant
C. Spider

C, A (I know this some how), (Asia, Africa, Europe), B, A

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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28 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:



For the drink question, wtf? :d On TV a shockingly high percentage of people (it's three 'celebrities' and 300 students) thought it was tequilla, some others went for C as well (probably the same people who pronounce the Dutch word for medal totally wrong), but it is of course A :p 


I knew the second one simply because I've heard of the term 'djinn' and because I sort of know (or at least have a picture of) what a fakir is, definitely a person, and I know a mufti is some Islamic whatever (authority/scholar/person/fill in the blank) but not an invisible creature or something :p 


Europe, Africa, Asia is the correct answer.


Carbon was easy I thought and I answered ant because I had no idea about both ant or lobster :d (I knew it wasn't spider)


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5 minutes ago, LDOG said:

Does Asia or Europe count Russia?  


I assume the criteria for the answer was spliting the country in two parts?


They followed what most geographical experts say, I'm assuming, which is putting a majority of Russia in Asia and about a quarter in Europe.


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