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  1. the plane transporting the tests from Seoul, which will be used for the weekend nationwide testing of the population, landed for the 3rd time in Bratislava this week. today's delivery contained 3.5 million tests stored in 4,701 boxes with a total weight of 66,886 kg. Now the country should have around 10 million of tests prepared for distribution to all cca 5.000 Testing station across the whole country. The country is still looking for medics and health professionals. they have enough staff to cover all the testing stations already, but they would like to increase the number, it would help speed up the whole process, more doctors testing the same time in same station, will ensure that long queues will not be formed. They looked also for medical staff help from abroad. 7 EUR per hour and 20 EUR per positive case + food. Anyone interested ?
  2. Episode 4 is out. Mushrooming and some blair witch style time travelling
  3. just like OAR in 2018 .. btw the same is for SVK now. 2010 : 1-2-0, 2018 : 1-2-0....coincidences ?
  4. Nothing It´s just our friends returned to the competition for the first time since perhaps the derivation of the rio pecos and you have not accommodated them with us but... god forgive... with the Hungarians
  5. which means that Slovakia has never won a winter olympics bronze medal again
  6. the Dutch ambassador in Bratislava has just been summoned to explain the move.
  7. [hide] Week 2 - Stages 7-12 Stage Top 3 Riders Vitoria-Gasteiz - Villanueva de Valdegovia Stage 7 October, 27th 1st: Tim Wellens 2nd: Luis León Sánchez 3rd: Nans Peters Robert Power Tim Wellens Michael Woods Esteban Chaves Ricardo Carapaz Remi Cavagna Guillaume Martin Nans Peters Dan Martin Jetse Bol Rui Costa Primoz Roglic Willie Smit Omar Fraile José Herrada Enric Mas Luis León Sánchez Alejandro Valverde Logroño - Alto de Moncalvillo Stage 8 October, 28th 1st: Ricardo Carapaz 2nd: Wout Poels 3rd: Primoz Roglic Michael Woods Esteban Chaves Ricardo Carapaz David Gaudu Guillaume Martin Dan Martin Davide Formolo Wout Poels Rui Costa Aleksandr Vlasov Primoz Roglic Enric Mas Marc Soler Alejandro Valverde Sepp Kuss B.M. Cid Campeador. Castrillo del Val - Aguilar de Campoo Stage 9 October, 29th 1st: Sam Bennett 2nd: Pascal Ackermann 3rd: Jasper Philipsen Jasper Philipsen Gerben Thijssen Magnus Cort Mihkel Raim Lorrenzo Manzin Emmanuel Morin Pascal Ackermann Max Kanter Sam Bennett Jakub Mareczko Matteo Moschetti Dion Smith Jon Aberasturi Castro Urdiales - Suances Stage 10 October, 30th 1st: Sam Bennett 2nd: Pascal Ackermann 3rd: Magnus Cort Jasper Philipsen Gerben Thijssen Magnus Cort Mihkel Raim Lorrenzo Manzin Emmanuel Morin Pascal Ackermann Max Kanter Sam Bennett Jakub Mareczko Matteo Moschetti Dion Smith Jon Aberasturi Villaviciosa - Alto de La Farrapona. Lagos de Somiedo Stage 11 October, 31st 1st: Primoz Roglic 2nd: Ricardo Carapaz 3rd: Enric Mas Felix Grossschartner Michael Woods Esteban Chaves Ricardo Carapaz David Gaudu Guillaume Martin Hugh Carthy Dan Martin Davide Formolo Wout Poels Aleksandr Vlasov Primoz Roglic David De La Cruz Enric Mas Mikel Nieve Marc Soler Alejandro Valverde Sepp Kuss La Pola Llaviana/Pola de Laviana - Alto de l'Angliru Stage 12 November, 1st 1st: Esteban Chaves 2nd: Hugh Carthy 3rd: Enric Mas Felix Grossschartner Michael Woods Esteban Chaves Ricardo Carapaz David Gaudu Guillaume Martin Hugh Carthy Dan Martin Davide Formolo Wout Poels Aleksandr Vlasov Primoz Roglic David De La Cruz Enric Mas Mikel Nieve Marc Soler Alejandro Valverde Sepp Kuss General 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place Week 2 (Stages 7-12) Ricardo Carapaz Primoz Roglic Enric Mas Points 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place Week 2 (Stages 7-12) Primoz Roglic Ricardo Carapaz Dan Martin Mountains 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place Week 2 (Stages 7-12) Ricardo Carapaz Tim Wellens Primoz Roglic Young Rider 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place Week 2 (Stages 7-12) Enric Mas Aleksandr Vlasov David Gaudu [/hide]
  8. Confirmed ! the central crisis staff decided on holding the nationwide testing the following weekend, but, Unlike the original plans, it will take place only 2 days on Saturday, October 31 and Sunday, November 1. More details on the testing should be presented tomorrow on October 27 during a special press conference. However, Every sampling site should absorb about 35 people per hour to be able to test in 2 days the all 5.4 million of Slovakia inhabitants Moreover, Slovakia is also in talks with other countries who could provide material or personnel if needed
  9. Final results of the Pilot (Trial) event. 140.945 People passed the test with 5.594 Positive. so 3,97% of the tested population in the 4 mentioned districts. Apparently 91 % of the population of these districts took part in this trial event (The whole population, deducting children under 10 years old, prisoners, residents of nursing or social services homes, patients and medical staff in hospitals and others is cca 155.000) Now on to the Nationwide Testing mayhem. More details should be known later today. So far we are working with the option of Mass Testing 1st phase during the upcomming weekend from Friday 30th October to Sunday 1st Novemeber (Always from 08:00 to 20:00) in cca 5.000 Testing stations across the whole country (Basically almost all voting stations of the country) with small villages with smaller amount of population being tested only in 1 single day. All in all, that´s going to be an interesting and crazy weekend. Clearly, the biggest logistical operation in the history of the country
  10. that video always gets me on my knees. always, it always works. Instead of miles there's kilos
  11. So the Results of today are out. 59.613 people has been tested today during the Pilot (Test) testing in 4 districts of the country with 2.207 Positive cases. So in total with yesterday it is 121.518 inhabitants of the mentioned districts (Population of 180.000) and 4.432 Positive Cases so 3,62 % of its population. Tomorrow is scheduled there the last day of this pilot event, again from 08:00 to 20:00. To explain you, we are speaking still about only 4 districts this weekend! . to have a better idea, you can see them in the north of the map NO - Námestovo DK - Dolný Kubín TS - Tvrdošín and in north-east BJ - Bardejov So just imagine the Mayhem that will happen next weekend, when the whole 79 districts of the country will be tested at once (Bratislava alone with its half milion population) ! This will be something Pics from the evening session
  12. It must be a blessing feeling to be a fan of Venlo
  13. Ah yeah, the this Annual´s 45 minutes last jury revealing procedure...yep, guilty Hey, it happens only once...well... at least as much as I recall
  14. Nothing easier. just offer a few fresh olives to the host as a gift.
  15. So the Pilot (Test event) of the Mass Testing in Slovakia continue today. All 235 Voting Testing stations in the districts of Dolný Kubín, Námestovo, Tvrdošín and Bardejov located in in the north of the country opened this morning. And we have already the results from the first half of this day. 31321 people has been tested during this morning session with 1076 positive cases, so in total so far from the cca 180000 population of this region 93136 people already passed the test with a total of 3301 positive. The pilot phase continue today again until 20:00 and will end tomorrow again from 08:00 to 20:00. Next Weeekend the 1st official nationwide testing will start in the entire country. Pics from today
  16. Literally within 500m from my uncle´s house there a pretty famous pancake restaurant If you are courageous enough you can ask for this bomb There obviously also other different menu as this girl present around 2:00 in the video
  17. SLOVAK ROAD TO TOKYO 2020 - SLOVENSKÁ CESTA DO TOKIA 2020 19th Qualified Athlete Matej TÓTH - ATHLETICS (50km RACE WALK M) Matej Tóth prvým atlétom so splnením limitom na OH v Dudinciach zvíťazil v novom svetovom výkone roka 3:41:15! Paráda! Matej Tóth na 39. ročníku Dudinskej päťdesiatky v chôdzi nielenže jasne zvíťazil a splnil limit 3:50 h na budúcoročné OH v Tokiu, ale časom 3:41:15 utvoril aj svetový výkon roka! Doterajšie sezónne maximum 3:43:29 patrilo Rusovi Dementijovi Čeparevovi. Tridsaťsedemročný zverenec Mateja Spišiaka sa do histórie pretekov zapísal ako ich prvý štvornásobný víťaz, predtým triumfoval v rokoch 2011, 2015 a 2018. Tóth sa presne 286 dní pred štartom pretekov na 50 km na budúcoročných OH stal prvým slovenským atlétom s istotou účasti na hrách v Tokiu, ktoré by mali byť už jeho piate! Chodec banskobystrickej Dukly vo svojej pätnástej päťdesiatke v kariére – 392 dní od predošlej na MS 2019 v katarskej Dauhe – vybojoval pätnáste slovenské prvenstvo na Dudinskej päťdesiatke. Všetkých súperov predstihol minimálne o jeden 1-kilometrový okruh… Matej Tóth súťažil v Dudinciach dovedna už 22. raz v kariére, premiéru mal v roku 1997 v žiackej súťaži na 3 km. Na druhej priečke skončil 3-násobný dudinský víťaz Rafal Augustyn z Poľska (3:47:42) a aj ďalší dvaja v cieli splnili tokijský limit – tretí Ekvádorčan Andrés Chocho (3:48:57) a štvrtý Karl Junghannss z Nemecka (3:49:45), ktorý sa do 46. kilometra držal na druhej priečke, no potom bojoval s obrovskou krízou. Tóth absolvoval chodeckú päťdesiatku prvýkrát od minuloročného svetového šampionátu v katarskej Dauhe, kde v obrovskej horúčave preteky nedokončil. V Dudinciach ho naopak čakalo sychravé počasie a mokrá trať, no ani to ho nezastavilo vo vysnívanom cieli zaistiť si účasť na olympiáde. Tóth potvrdil deklarovanú vysokú výkonnosť a v slabšej, no stále kvalitnej medzinárodnej konkurencii, predviedol sólojazdu. V Dudinciach zvíťazil štvrtýkrát v kariére. Predtým uspel aj v rokoch 2011, 2015 a 2018. Tóth sa môže v Tokiu stať iba druhým chodcom, ktorý na 50-kilometrovej trati obháji prvenstvo. V disciplíne, ktorá je na programe hier od roku 1932, sa to podarilo iba Poliakovi Robertovi Korzeniowskému, ktorý triumfoval dokonca trikrát, v rokoch 1996, 2000 i 2004. Dudinská 50-ka 2020: Muži - 50 km Chôdza: 1. Matej Tóth (SVK) 3:41:15 WL 2. Rafal Augustyn (POL) 3:47:42 3. Andres Chocho (ECU) 3:48:57
  18. Matej Tóth 3:41:15 new WL Rafal Augustyn 3:47:42 (Already qualified) Andres Chocho 3:48:57 Karl Junghannss 3:49:45 Dudinska 50, Dudince, Slovakia, 24th October 2020. Full results TBD
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