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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. It has more to do with Cruz being a giant asshole. He voted against emergency aid for states affected by Hurricane Sandy because that storm only affected “blue” states. He also voted against giving aid to California during our struggles with wildfires. He was also one of the Senators who objected to the certification of the election of Joe Biden based on unfounded claims about election fraud. That’s just the tip of the iceberg on Cruz.
  2. He is one of the two Senators from Texas though. The problems Texas is facing at the moment has to with their energy policy. They are the only state with an energy grid independent of the other two national grids. Their grid was deregulated and privatized. Cruz should be in his home state doing his best to care for the people he represents, instead he tried to skip town on a flight to Cancun.
  3. Possibly the scariest luge crash I’ve seen since Nodar’s fatal crash in 2010.
  4. I believe the graphic on the right is the roller sports quota places.
  5. Comparative to other disciplines in the sport at the moment.
  6. Texas is going to be facing a major humanitarian disaster if this freeze doesn’t break soon.
  7. dozen or so unanswered emails to them about results would seem to confirm that, but I’m persistent
  8. Even the Panathenaic Stadium is feeling in a Winter Olympic mood. It’s even more beautiful
  9. It really sucks that men’s skeleton quotas were cut to 25, because men’s skeleton probably has the greatest diversity in terms of competing and competitive countries at the moment.
  10. They have a contact form, maybe I’ll try to get them to add some more.
  11. Just give me full replays from Guadalajara 2011, Toronto 2015, and Lima 2019, and I’ll be happy.
  12. Definitely concerned about the “physical virtual sports.” I assume they’re referring to the likes of eCycling and Indoor Rowing there. I don’t dislike those as disciplines, but they’re not nearly developed, nor legitimate enough, to have earned a spot on the Olympic program yet. At least with the Winter Olympics there’s an abundance of quotas (comparative to the Summer Olympics). My guess is that Bobsleigh and Skiing will still tough cuts, unless the IOC is just willing to add some more women’s quotas, then everything might be okay for the time being.
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