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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. The incredibly mediocre Algo Kärp (Estonia, cross-country skiing) is next to confess in this whole Mark Schmidt case.
  2. Or the Dutch NOS about Dafne Schippers, holy smokes.
  3. I can't stand that it's not centered correctly.
  4. That team gold in 2017 made me so happy just because of Kircheisen after literally always missing out on gold Is Nordic combined shown on Polish Eurosport by the way? It is in the Netherlands, although mostly with a Belgian commentator who mostly does cycling normally On regular sports websites there's never any news about NC, during the Olympics maybe there's a tiny mention here or there because every final is usually at least mentioned somewhere (even if it's just a result without actual text).
  5. Ending with an Ortiz win and a split draw between Lara and Castaño.
  6. He had won a lot more though, intercontinentally speaking.
  7. They should have put the start simply after that corner instead of having three seconds before a corner before you really get going
  8. Plus 6:42.01 in the 5km, breaking another world record. That is quite rare and rather exceptional Sablikova took the world title, Wüst finished off the podium after 12 consecutive podium finishes since her 4th place in 2006. Patrick Roest defended his men's world title.
  9. I thought they had been hyping Muir as a global star long before this year already?
  10. After the first 15 starters or so I generally skip through 30 seconds per click (Eurosport Player) and if someone is way slower on the splits I skip to the next athlete, but that's a bit hard if you can't see whether or not someone is slower or not
  11. Also, this super-G course is so boring
  12. I've started watching (saw the women's 5k classic, biathlon individuals and women's super-G so far) and one thing that highly irritates me: during the alpine skiing races they show the split times and then remove them, so they don't stay in-picture like in the World Cups
  13. Report the post and ask a mod to delete it (like this one explaining how to delete a post after you've seen it )
  14. You realize how cool TISC actually is when you're in the train listening to some music on your phone and Electric Avenue comes by and you still know the entire melody even if it's more than a year ago since you've heard it
  15. Didn't he have dealings with a shady doctor two years ago or something? I kinda like Kittel by the way, so I do hope he didn't let himself be convinced to pay this dude a visit
  16. Well yeah, that video and the whole thing came out on Wednesday, almost a week ago
  17. Rumours have it Norway's team brought a lot of asthma medicins to Pyeongchang for the Olympics, oh shit.
  18. That list is vague. There's one dude who posted it on Twitter, 8 hours ago with no reaction or whatsoever. It looks more like he just took a list of all Austrians
  19. I didn't think to look for '2sykkel', I can't find it on Austrian news sites which is why I asked.
  20. I would not be surprised. Fun fact: one Marcel Kittel lives in/near Erfurt
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