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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. A German speed skater being caught and still it's not Pechstein Patrick Beckert, Moritz Geisreiter, Joel Dufter or Nico Ihle.
  2. I've seen first-hand how athletes can indeed fall asleep 2 minutes after dinner after a hard weekend of racing, but in this case I highly doubt it
  3. Yeah but she's gonna be a mom in 9 months.
  4. I'd like a long-term bet: I say JTB won't beat the 16 wins in one season.
  5. I feel the same about Herrmann and Eckhoff: they absolutely have the quality to fight for the overall, but brainfart themselves to 50% shootings way too often.
  6. If my country was bombed to pieces (hey Germany ) I'd feel like 'never forget' as well. Wars should not be forgotten, especially since quite often both sides commit quite some atrocities. Didn't Serbia themselves arrest and deliver war criminals like Karadzic and Mladic who are, luckily for the world, safely behind bars for the rest of their lives?
  7. I don't notice a lot of anti-JTB sentiment, just anti-boring races sentiment. We've had that with Fourcade a billion times and now it's the same thing (or worse). Nothing against JTB himself, he seems pretty cool.
  8. Well so no Wierer fighting for the next overall World Cup.
  9. The Serbia thing is the single most explosive topic on Totallympics, by a wide margin, I'd choose words more carefully
  10. Oh that's pretty cool. Still I'm surprised by her way of saying it
  11. Wierer basically saying she's gonna make up for months without her partner in the hotel room tonight They better have some good sound isolation.
  12. Will he get 16 wins?! The big question since the invention of biathlon.
  13. Klaebo I didn't realize this was the finish, German commentator had earlier said the time would probably be like 33-34 minutes so I wasn't expecting it yet
  14. It has been (once again) incredibly slow all day here and it still is most of the time. Only website in my browser that's so slow, so it's not that.
  15. So, next season, who's gonna fight for the overall win? Wierer Vittozzi Eckhoff Dahlmeier Herrmann Öberg Roeiseland Egan Quite some potential.
  16. This was a pretty good final women's race
  17. And the same commercials. All. The. Time. Year in, year out. Glad I have German TV for those moments
  18. Kuzmina went all-or-nothing, at least she tried.
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