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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Cool! I never voted in Slovakia, can I go and be a first time voter?
  2. Gruber! That was one freaking awesome sprint He forced Greiderer to give absolutely everything...and more, leading Greiderer to have no choice but to give up
  3. Because a Lambo is expensive, so the owner must be rich, so it has to be destroyed Idiots.
  4. But it's just against the government We burn down everything and your car and your mother and your house, but it's not against you
  5. Right, Loginov, break a pole or something and let's get Slovenia this bronze
  6. JTB wanted some extra pressure for the lolz
  7. Yes, 2013 for example
  8. Well Macron can do what he wants, those morons in the streets will keep destroying the city and other people's stuff anyway, so he'd better just go and enjoy himself for a bit
  9. Norway might have a shot at the gold now.
  10. South Korea in the lead, now that's a rare sight
  11. Which is exactly what we do when looking for a first ever GS medal
  12. Khojazoda (73kg) apparently won Tajikistan's first ever GS medal
  13. Musical shows at voting stations, reminds me of last week's elections in North Korea
  14. Dahlmeier scared the living daylight out of Semerenko there
  15. I'm gonna make myself some hot chocolate, anyone else wants some?
  16. Yeah but Italy only had one reliable replacement athlete
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