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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. At least in Rwanda it's hugely popular.
  2. Probably they went to another city. I mean, nobody would be stupid enough to have a blood doping treatment right in the city or town where their major event is being held That would be so dumb.
  3. The Olympic Village is not the only place in South Korea
  4. Self-fappery knows no limits in certain countries.
  5. The nations mentioned are where treatments took place apparently, not necessarily where athletes are from.
  6. So, 8 nations, we know Kazakhstan and Estonia. According to Austrian Krone Zeitung, the six others are of course Austria and Germany, but also Italy, South Korea, Slovenia and Croatia.
  7. Treatments in Hawaii (among other places), so triathlon might be involved?
  8. "The number of blood doping treatments that occurred goes into the triple digits, it happened as well during Pyeongchang Olympics." The Erfurt doctor asked for 4000-12.000 euro per athlete per season.
  9. The German/Erfurt case: - 21 athletes - 8 countries - 5 different sports, 3 of which are winter sports - end of 2011 - beginning of 2019
  10. I know November, December, January and February never seem to come to an end, but the months of waiting are over and the Brazilian Rollerski Circuit is about to kick off this week
  11. A chemical company, that'll be good for their reputation
  12. Having synced GPS pages is sort of the only way to at least somewhat follow what's going on (at least for me), without that it's just pure mayhem and waiting for people to arrive at split times in any random order
  13. Yeah his style of always going to the max makes him dominate with ease on one hand, and attract crashes and bad luck on the other hand. He's good enough to win on 95%, he should start trying that
  14. Jeffrey Herlings has destroyed his foot before the first MXGP of the season and has basically already said he's not fighting for the world title anymore, handing a free title to Cairoli.
  15. Well, the rest shouldn't have been so bad then.
  16. I wonder how people are able to compare Svindal with Hirscher. It's like wondering who was the best runner, Bolt or Bekele..
  17. Yeah, but if you're looking for a confidence boost anyway, I think one's by far best result since December 2017 (a quite random 2nd place) might be exactly that.
  18. Van 't End won his first Grand Slam after 5 lost finals And wow, Adamian destroyed that other Russian, while the Brazilian male 100kg guys had some really awesome ippons for bronze
  19. To be fair, a 4th place must give him quite some confidence too, it's not something he reaches every day.
  20. Weird, since the post was a general biathlon post instead of a WCH post, but if that explains it, so be it
  21. That's just @phelps and his 1999 other accounts
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