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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. I think she'd refuse the relay more because of the biathlon program: XC relay is on the one day between the biathlon sprint and pursuit, whereas the 30k is the day after the last biathlon race.
  2. Baiba Bendika is lightly pissed (at their cross country federation) (can't say I disagree with her, if at the very least they had said earlier they wouldn't select her anyway, she wouldn't have made several large detours to score good anyway she is simply the second-best Latvian, far ahead of the rest)
  3. Yes, Maarten Meiners was actually mentioned as being selected last week I believe. I was truly stunned when seeing that!
  4. Now let's hope and pray and everything that tests won't mess things up..
  5. That dude in COB's livestream talked so damn long!!! My parents and I were anxiously waiting for half an hour before we finally got to cross country! I mean, after yesterday we knew....but you never know until you KNOW
  6. Could go at the cost of Di Centa and just because of the name I'd find that a pity
  7. Green dot for Brazil Names will be announced live on their NOC's Instagram in half an hour.
  8. To be fair, it would be utter insanity if the Germans wouldn't select the full package of tickets they've got in any sliding sport...even if the season isn't always great in skeleton right now, they are absolutely always a gold medal threat.
  9. With the FIS Quota Acceptance Show being open, I wonder which country in which sport is going to post the first yellow dot (i.e. accepted fewer quotas than they had).
  10. Estonia: They have confirmed their quotas first, within a minute
  11. When I Googled her name I saw she's a figure skater, but I can't say I've really been following her results and such
  12. Putin is a megalomaniac dictator, but he is not stupid, let's be honest He knows attacking Sweden can only end up costing him way more than it could give him. Sweden might not be a NATO country, thinking that a military attack on Sweden would not be answered would simply be dumb (and I'm sure Putin is smart enough to know that).
  13. Oh boy. I didn't pay much attention four years ago, but I will try to do so now (for cross-country at least, I don't think I have the mental energy to focus on anything besides that ). I wonder what it will all look like during this process. Like, will there at some point for example be a green bar or something over a country that has accepted X spots? Or a red one over a country which has accepted only part of their spots? Who knows! And if I'm not mistaken, the process to reallocate any unused spots will start Wednesday (and basically finish the same or next day), so I assume after Tuesday we'll have a list of unused spots, if any..
  14. The adrenaline of really fighting for an actual World Cup podium, I guess (in a 'mass start' race, so you can actually see the podium/win in front of you)
  15. Strolia is just utterly exhausted and exploded. Respect for the attempt though, saving energy earlier to have a better pace now would most likely have simply not put him in the position to fight for a podium. So all in all, fantastic effort for him, again
  16. Yeah, this was handled piss-poorly on every possible side... Well, I hope he can refocus on whatever comes after the AO and I hope the AO will be a good tournament and this whole thing can be kind of left behind.
  17. Results are on the FIS website, with Duda getting 292 points (and so not improving her total result). That means, when taking the internal criteria into account (classic distance races, freestyle sprints, in selected countries and competitions, including Slavic Cup and Balkan Cup and such), this should be the final table: Final standings: 1. Jaque 1201.02 2. Bruna 1504.71 3. Duda 1635.26 4. Mika 1709.23 The Brazilian NOC will make the official announcement tomorrow in a live event at 15:00 CET. So it has yet to be announced, but half of the Zweisimmen-Sparenmoos snow has been melted by Bruna's tears when she called me/us and I gave her the finish times
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