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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. He has withdrawn and it's not even on an NOS main page yet
  2. But they were doing it by actual cheating. Shoes might be controversial, but it's not the same as pumping someone up on steroids.
  3. Scratching the 'shoe records' but leaving the East German, Soviet etc records would be ridiculous anyway. Which makes it not unlikely WA would do so, but still I doubt it
  4. They often miss the first race of a distance. You can count on them not doing so today
  5. You reacted too fast, I had changed it within a minute or two
  6. Verbij messed up his start in the second race (possible back problem), Ntab came up shy to beat him or Scheperkamp. So there we go. Scheperkamp is basically sure, Verbij should be quite sure considering there's the 1000m to go, Ntab will have to wait. Men Women Selection order Distance Rank at OQT Athlete Selection order Distance Rank at OQT Athlete 1 1.000 1 1 5.000 1 2 5.000 1 Patrick Roest 2 MS 1 3 1.500 1 3 3.000 1 Irene Schouten 4 1.000 2 4 3.000 2 Antoinette de Jong 5 10.000 1 5 500 1 6 MS 1 6 1.000 1 Jutta Leerdam 7 1.500 2 7 1.500 1 8 500 1 Merijn Scheperkamp 8 5.000 2 9 1.000 3 9 1.500 2 10 1.500 3 10 1.000 2 Antoinette de Jong 11 5.000 2 Jorrit Bergsma 11 3.000 3 Carlijn Achtereekte 12 10.000 2 12 1.500 3 13 500 2 Dai Dai Ntab 13 1.000 3 Ireen Wüst 14 5.000 3 Sven Kramer 14 500 2 15 500 3 Kai Verbij 15 500 3
  7. Fantastic 34.45 for young Merijn Scheperkamp He is sure of the top-3 (could win it), so let's see.
  8. She was 0,01 faster than her golden Olympic time, that's something
  9. This is the first time (in 15+ years of career) for Ireen Wüst to try and qualify for a distance and not make it (she did a lone 500m at an OQT once, but that was merely a warmup).
  10. And that's the 3k done. Domination by Schouten Olympic champion Carlijn Achtereekte in third and most likely qualified.....0,01 second ahead of young Merel Conijn Men Women Selection order Distance Rank at OQT Athlete Selection order Distance Rank at OQT Athlete 1 1.000 1 1 5.000 1 2 5.000 1 Patrick Roest 2 MS 1 3 1.500 1 3 3.000 1 Irene Schouten 4 1.000 2 4 3.000 2 Antoinette de Jong 5 10.000 1 5 500 1 6 MS 1 6 1.000 1 Jutta Leerdam 7 1.500 2 7 1.500 1 8 500 1 8 5.000 2 9 1.000 3 9 1.500 2 10 1.500 3 10 1.000 2 Antoinette de Jong 11 5.000 2 Jorrit Bergsma 11 3.000 3 Carlijn Achtereekte 12 10.000 2 12 1.500 3 13 500 2 13 1.000 3 Ireen Wüst 14 5.000 3 Sven Kramer 14 500 2 15 500 3 15 500 3
  11. I'm impressed by Ronald Mulder as well. Sure, not close to his best days, but considering the never-ending injury problems he has been having in the past years, this was finally a really good race.
  12. In case someone wants to watch: men's 500m, the first race starts now. Later tonight is the second race, the fastest one counts.
  13. On the other hand, does having immunity mean you're not going to test positive or you're not likely to get sick? I thought it's mostly the latter, in which case getting it now basically does nothing in terms of avoiding a positive test if you need to get tested anyway.
  14. Case in point. Page 101 on the good old Teletekst is for the 'main news', sometimes there is some sports in it if there's something sort of big, usually there isn't. However, today: "Sven Kramer still in the race for the Olympics" Nothing about who won or whatever, just....Kramer is still in the race
  15. It's 5 days, with 2 distances per day, and today was day 1! Full program can be found here: Actual Dutch championships were close to two months ago by the way, but that's a detail
  16. Yeah, she needs to contact FIS, the Argentinian NOC (and their ethics or athletes commission or whatever they have, since the one in FASA will surely be controlled by the people who want her out no matter what) and possibly the IOC asap. This is not even moving the goalposts during the game, it's simply cutting them down and removing them altogether.
  17. You say that as an exaggeration, but it really isn't Although he did win the 5k instead of the 50k (which really would be a way better mass start distance, but that's besides the point)
  18. Just saw this now, sorry, but.....she's not on the NOC's list of qualified athletes so far Then again, neither is Kimberley Bos (skeleton), who is absolutely certainly qualified, so I wonder how much it means.
  19. The Netherlands really only has two world class 5k riders at this moment (as in, serious medal contenders). I know one should never count out Kramer entirely, but putting a third 5k spot high on the's tricky. I'm actually not really against Ntab going to the Olympics instead of Kramer, if it would come to that. Ntab has dominated the Dutch 500m for years, the problem is his billion false starts in deciding moments. Which....doesn't help. Not that I really do care that much, the 500m at the Olympics is a lottery shitshow anyway now that it's about only one race instead of the usual and fair two.
  20. De Jong was giving her interview with fairly mixed feelings. She was 2nd and that way basically had a big hand in making sure her sister Michelle (4th) didn't qualify. I can imagine she's happy she qualified, but also that it just sucks to push your sister out that way. Of course that's part of the sport when you both compete in the same kind of races, but that doesn't make it more fun
  21. Yeah, it's Kramer. Kramer put on his skates: switch to Kramer. Kramer tightened his shirt: switch to Kramer. Kramer coming back up the stairs: switch to Kramer including an analysis of what it means. "Could something be wrong?" "Well there's no bathroom in the center area, so you'd have to go down to get to one." NOS sees Kramer... They had been talking about Kramer since the very first pair. I even heard a "He knows this track well!" for fuck's sake. It's not usual though, it has only been like this for the past 15 years or so
  22. And that's a wrap for the 5k and Kramer possibly made it Bergsma was....mediocre. Enough to most likely qualify, but nothing special. Roest was a class of his own Men Women Selection order Distance Rank at OQT Athlete Selection order Distance Rank at OQT Athlete 1 1.000 1 1 5.000 1 2 5.000 1 Patrick Roest 2 MS 1 3 1.500 1 3 3.000 1 4 1.000 2 4 3.000 2 5 10.000 1 5 500 1 6 MS 1 6 1.000 1 Jutta Leerdam 7 1.500 2 7 1.500 1 8 500 1 8 5.000 2 9 1.000 3 9 1.500 2 10 1.500 3 10 1.000 2 Antoinette de Jong 11 5.000 2 Jorrit Bergsma 11 3.000 3 12 10.000 2 12 1.500 3 13 500 2 13 1.000 3 Ireen Wüst 14 5.000 3 Sven Kramer 14 500 2 15 500 3 15 500 3
  23. Oh, or here: The 'S' links to a PDF of the start list, the 'U' is for the result.
  24. Should be here, but penguins are attacking it at the moment I think Then as backup there's always good old Teletekst, where page 856 is for the live speed skating results and order Sweeping the ice now.
  25. Wow, Sven Kramer raced in a way I haven't seen him do for a few years, 6:12.29 with a 28.9 at the end
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