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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. I'm in need of some questions for a pub quiz at work Thursday, and unfortunately, "Sports" isn't one of the themes (again) If the themes are "New Year", "Christmas", "Food & Drinks" and "Movies & TV Shows" can I come up with some questions that are still at least semi-sports questions, yet won't be kept out of the quiz due to not being related to the themes?
  2. Meanwhile, relatively unknown German Florian Hempel just annihilated Dimitri van den Bergh Barely missed a double all match long.
  3. Shouldn't have asked this....this afternoon we had Williams vs Shibata and to make it worse, the completely colourless Lowe and Larsson. Two expressionless dodos on the podium, that was bad.
  4. Yuskov, Pedersen, Bosker, Bloemen (among others) all have been faster than that, usually they don't count because they have four skaters in the track instead of two. Roest, Kramer and even Bart Swings were all faster than Ervik's WR as well last year in December (Roest and Kramer both going sub-3:36 as well). Roest's 3:35.26 of last year seems to be the fastest ever time not done in a race with four skaters.
  5. Professional sports have all been cancelled or something?
  6. Or both, he wasn't the only fast Jumbo (Femke Kok in the 500m was flying as well) We'll get to see from Sunday, I'm rather excited
  7. Considering it's his second-fastest time ever, I don't think it is Immediate advantage of Jumbo's 'super suits'?
  8. Sprint, team sprint, relay and one of the individual distance races
  9. Quite a shake in California a few minutes ago.
  10. Woodhouse vs Wilson, can it get worse? Damn. Alright, Murnan vs Lim was awful as well, but at least it had Lim.
  11. Instead of just saying "But the press is super duper leftist!!", explain why Kast is not a far right candidate and which of his standpoints as described by the 'leftist press' (including definitely non-leftist press) are not true? Or will the arguments in favour of Kast just remain with "But the press!", like Trump-fans often did? And if so, we know certain people have certain...right-wing views. Which is fine, but in your wording, that should also mean we should not believe it when they call this Boric guy a communist. I mean, if leftists calling Kast a far-right guy is wrong, surely rightists calling Boric a communist guy is wrong. Or does it only work one way?
  12. I guess every single website writing about his standpoints (against this freedom, against that freedom, yet another typical climate change/science denier, somewhat comparable with the actual horror show that is Bolsonaro, etc) accidentally wrote the opposite then
  13. Oh well, the other guy (Kast) sounds like a true horror show, so at least he didn't win
  14. Nice to close off the (calendar) year of biathlon with such a party
  15. Kim Huybrechts tried to get to England by car today, but wasn't allowed to enter into France (from Belgium). Now he's going to try by plane. No reason mentioned as to why.
  16. But yeah, DNF. It's going to be rather tight and she'll probably have to be very wise in picking the right races..
  17. I hope Hauser brought some coins for the parking meter.
  18. Oh damn, Lie threw away her chance for a podium
  19. No, her mom is Belgian. She might have decided to switch because of the depth in Norway, which would be an understandable choice, but she definitely has 50% Belgian roots and has had both nationalities her entire life
  20. Lie in 4th She is shooting sensationally this season, unbelievable.
  21. It's actually not though. Or are we from now on always going to ignore every athlete who competes for the country of one of their parents instead of their birth country (whatever the reason may be)? Because we're going to have quite a list then, I feel... She's having a fantastic season so far, so I'd say it's been a good choice.
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