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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Isn't it possible to for example have premium accounts again, with the main benefit being no ads (both on computers and on mobile devices)? I never click on ads anyway (when I need something, I'll search for it) and I think a few euros as payment for a premium account benefits Totallympics much more than those 0 ads I click.
  2. Who can tell. Drunk, sober, all the same.
  3. It's gotten to the point where Totallympicsing on my phone is getting a highly annoying experience instead of something fun and enjoyable. At least on my laptop Adblock works good.
  4. Forecast after 2/7 events, still not too much tension in the medal fights, but things are inching slightly closer to each other.
  5. If Johnson-Thompson loses 2 meters to Thiam on the shot put, the world is normal. Because that is the expectation.
  6. I don't, but I am always slightly annoyed when watching BBC and hearing them talk not about Jessica Ennis-Hill, but Jessicarennis Hill (or not Dina Asher-Smith, but Dinarasher Smith)
  7. Compared with what? She is currently in bronze medal position and around 12.50m should normally keep her there, I don't think she'll lose 2 meters on that.
  8. Finally on her way to really being the new Jessicarennis Hill?
  9. Reports coming in from Berlin about broken eardrums right after Vucenovic's throw.
  10. Cachova over 1.86 That makes her the number one favourite for 5th place all of a sudden, with even a very real shot at 4th.
  11. Vermeulen fighting for bronze, I had no idea she was already this good in open water Very nice fight for gold between Van Rouwendaal and Gabrielleschi, kilometer after kilometer.
  12. They did that yesterday I guess? Because yesterday evening when I wrote my 'report' on this event, I already wrote his 2nd best attempt was 8.00
  13. Wow, Vetter is having the most impressive high jump competition I've ever seen from her..
  14. That was not so smart from Mujezinovic.
  15. By being exhausted beyond a level of exhaustion us mortals can even imagine?
  16. If she forgot her lap and stopped one lap too early, why should she be DQ'ed when in fact she didn't finish, which is not breaking a rule?
  17. It did look like several athletes had jumps that were longer than the result, Nilsson Montler being one of them. Possibly the lines and stuff are not very well lined up. Anyway, again: too bad it's still 1935 and measuring technology isn't automatic yet.
  18. Even with doping I don't believe it's realistic
  19. Forecast for the heptathlon that starts today:
  20. I'd love a bet with Christoph about whether or not he'll break 80 meters. I'm hoping for his sake he's got a bit more realism in his bones than thinking it's actually legtimitely possible to go 6 meters further than they did in the heydays of doping yourself up with everything in store.
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