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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. "This is unexpected" (only bronze for Schippers) Our TV really has nu clue
  2. No medal for Tortu means losing 30 euro, medal for Tortu means winning 31 euro.
  3. Yeah, as soon as De_Gambassi posted it here and I looked on some media to 'confirm' it, I went to the bookmakers sites, so Vicaut not running is exactly the reason for my bet Sadly Unibet barely accepted anything more than a handful of euro's on Hughes to win at 1.85 and Prescod top-3 at 1.8 or something
  4. The audience really needs a beer or two.
  5. You mean the dude born in ever-Spanish Tetouan?
  6. I'm actually gonna give one hour a try tomorrow (but in a minute walking/minute running scheme because I simply can not run for one hour non-stop yet, getting closer and closer though )
  7. Running 10km in way less than half an hour is not normal.
  8. I always think they sing his name at around 1:30
  9. I did, mostly because I checked the lists, saw him compete before and realized his name has a nice ring to it.
  10. How is it possible there's still not automated technology to measure results in throwing and jumping events? Still doing this by sight and manually is so amateuristic.
  11. And Ringer too, Europe's fastest 10k runner so far this year
  12. How on earth can kickboxing be considered the same as kickboxing Light?
  13. A friend of mine is in the stadium and asked me to give him a bet so he could buy some hamburgers. I told him 'Ali Kaya to win a medal at odds of 6.75'....but didn't place any money on it myself. Here we go, missed money incoming
  14. Yeah, but not before these championships
  15. Nowicki taking a more than deserved gold
  16. Sintnicolaas is injured in a championships decathlon, the pope is catholic, water is wet and he is out.
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