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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Heemskerk going in as fastest and not winning it, nobody could have expected that!!
  2. Let's see if Heemskerk for the second time in her career or something can keep her emotions and pressure in check in an individual race.
  3. Oh well, like they would ever pronounce Mathys Goosen or Pieter van den Hoogenband or Inge de Bruijn or whatever in a reasonably ok way
  4. That's all fun and well, but the timing is exactly the thing that's been having major attention already in several sessions.
  5. Highly annoying live scoring for the hammer Q isn't working
  6. Quick everyone in Europe who broadcasts this, apologize for the horrors we have just faced!!
  7. Paulina makes a false start, gets yellow. Fotopoulou makes a false start, gets disqualified. Shoot me for having no clue what this is about
  8. False start rules change every minute, they throw a dice and see what it is this time.
  9. Right now: 1. Betting forum 2. General Dutch forum 3. Back-end system to place news articles on a Dutch website 4. Track cycling euro champs results/program 5. Athletics euro champs results/program 6. 7. Euro champs general program 8. (to copy paste to said Dutch website when needed), actually this one can be closed 9. Totallympics 10. WhatsApp 11. Something about programming languages 12. Wiki of 'Deaths in 2018' (I know) 13. Twitter 14. YouTube of a boxing fight of last weekend which I'm watching later tonight or tomorrow 15. Hotmail 16. PDF about Kali Linux 17. PDF about Microsoft Cloud course 18. ScienceAlert Twitter 19. IFL Science 20. Facebook page about gross medical videos
  10. Yeah ok that's a lot On average I've got around 20 tabs open, 30+ on busy sports days
  11. When even people from the home of this kind of racing are confused, cheering one lap too early (including the commentator), you know madison is confusing
  12. Wow, Martina yet again seems to be in quite good shape when it (sort of) matters
  13. Seriously, how freaking hard can it be to have a constant live standings on screen?
  14. My thoughts: "Nope, I am not gonna let the fun of Elliott's awesome win get sucked away"
  15. Which all has exactly 0 effect on cheering for Chase Elliott or not
  16. Vece made a mistake in choosing her gears or something?
  17. I disagree about removing the omnium, but they should not have a points race in it 1. Sprint time trial 2. Individual pursuit 3. Elimination race 4. Something explosive yet not individual...keirin? It should quite simply be a good mix of sprint and endurance.
  18. Fantastic scratch race...they should add something like the time trial (500m/1000m) to the omnium to actually make it deserve the name omnium a tiny bit..
  19. Exactly I was actually planning to do my training during the 50k (with the Eurosport Player on the laptop in front of me), but I much rather watch and be able to post about the race instead of just watch
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