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Everything posted by orangeman

  1. I can't believe this is real! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  2. Yes, but with all do respect, shut up shut up shut up! Never underestimate Canada's love of finishing 4th.
  3. I just want them to get in before I start worrying about which pot they're in. My understanding is Canada needs ONE of the following to happen in the next stage of group matches for them to qualify for the WC: -Canada wins or ties -Costa Rica ties or loses -USA loses USA/CR play their last game against each other, so if they're both 3 points behind Canada at that time they both can't win to get into the top 3, hence why a USA loss next game against Panama gets Canada in. And hey, Panama beat them in the previous game.
  4. I was on CBC's site earlier today (China time) and Olympic vids were still available. Just shot over there now, they are gone.
  5. Ok, but seriously, that was one of the most satisfying and exciting sporting moments from these O/Paralympics. That game was super exciting.
  6. Fantastic bronze medal game! Start to finish, it was incredibly entertaining. Props to Slovakia! That was the best curling match I've watched in a while of any variation. Despite the score, it came down to the two shots, last shot really. In the end, I'm glad I got to watch this match because I'll be out during the gold medal game tomorrow. So, you know, it suits my schedule better.
  7. Wow, what a finish! Do not let the final score fool you, that whole game, especially the last two ends came down to the wire. It literally came down to the last shot! Fantastic game! Congrats to Slovakia on an amazing game! Well done!
  8. Fantastic bronze medal curling match going on. Go Canada!
  9. I get livestreams on yt from China. When I use a VPN and am "in" a Western country I do not. if you go to the paralympic site you might be able to find something (I can't go there now bc I'm "in" Canada so I can watch curling on CBC).
  10. This is a totally unfair and insulting comparison. Canada's women didn't even make the playoffs. If anything, this team's results mirror the men's team's results. Heads are going to roll at Curling Canada.
  11. Anyway, the positives: Three more medals for Canada! Hockey team beats Korea convincingly and will play for gold on Sunday!
  12. I hate to be the outside judging professional athletes, but not only is Canada playing incredibly badly, their decisions are ....... perplexing. China sitting shot rock? Better shoot to the other side and not be shot rock. China lays a second shot rock? Better shoot again to the other side and still not sit shock rock. I started believing there was a strategy, that they would eventually go for all those Chinese rocks..... but they didn't. Steal of 2 for China. I just don't get it.
  13. Looks like Canada will play for bronze tonight. China making the shots look easy, Canada struggling besides those two nice shots last end.
  14. Also curling will have the semis and final tomorrow, so good chance there as well. Hockey semi against Korea, too. Big day! Edit: The schedule I was looking at was wrong. Curling will have semis and bronze medal game tomorrow. Gold game will be on Saturday. Let's hope Canada plays Saturday.
  15. That was a fantastic game, especially the last 2 ends. Thurston with absolute clutch shots in both those last two ends to get the win. Props to Norway, they almost took it. Yay, playoffs!
  16. Another easy miss. Thurston needs to take a rest, I think. The last 3 games have been terrible for him.
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