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Everything posted by orangeman

  1. After some "interesting" scoring at gymnastics (in my novice humble opinion) I would have rioted if the Cypriot didn't win gold there. Still have no idea how the other Cypriot didn't go into first with his routine. Now the ladies' floor routine....
  2. Yes, I know that. I haven't had any drinks tonight. Stop interrogating me! Residual home soil advantage from Gold Coast....
  3. Just to kick sand into the our Canadian wounds: The top snatch for the men's 96kg tonight was 171, which was a GR. Santavy who had to withdraw today had a 178 in Tokyo last year. Being a Canadian sports fan hurts sometimes.
  4. The difference in execution scores between Spence (CAN) and McDonald (ENG) is a joke to me. Fine, McDonald got the gold, but it wasn't that far apart. Home advantage is showing.
  5. Looks like 2x 4ths for Dolci in gymnastics today. A good Canadian boy!
  6. Prince William in the crowd for swimming.
  7. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand another gold lost after dominating. Going to bed.
  8. Bronze for Mitchell. Which is fine. But another disappointment for her.
  9. Ughghghghg..... Genest should have been in the final. Got forced to the outside in the semis. Showed right there she should have been in the final, though.
  10. A little awkward with the announcers and cameras focusing on the Kiwi rider because she's a favourite while the Indian rider obviously got the worst of it and they're barely even mentioning her.
  11. Gold for Charron. GR. Can't wait to see it in an hour...
  12. They're finally showing the weightlifting, but they're starting from the beginning. Can't wait to see what happens....
  13. Maybe they saw "Hockey" and jumped the gun. I think that the CBC is just showing all the Commonwealth channels available. On this channel it doesn't say anything about field hockey but it does list 64kg weightlifting, so it's weird that it's not showing.
  14. Is it being broadcast on CBC somewhere? I cannot find it. Where it says it's being broadcast I'm getting field hockey.
  15. Charron is apparently doing very well in weightlifting, but it doesn't seem like it's being broadcast.
  16. LOL, Canada gets screwed out of a gold in gymnastics on a tie breaker. We will never get another gold. And another 4th! Even though she did well, some would say "better". And a bronze on the horse!
  17. I'm a bit confused because the announcers said Jarman had less difficulty, but on the results page he's way above in difficulty (6.3 vs 5.9 for Dolci from Canada). If that's the case, it makes sense (although execution is still higher for Jarman which....ok? Whatever you say...).
  18. Wow, even British announcers are surprised by the Englishman going into first over the Canadian in gymnastics. I don't know enough to say one way or the other.
  19. Vachon just barely lost gold in weightlifting. Another gold through the fingers. Good performance, nonetheless, for bronze.
  20. Vachon so close to gold in weightlifting. He had the last lift, just lost it. Went 1kg higher than he needed to for gold, have to wonder if that made a difference. Canada will never win another gold, apparently.
  21. Watching the cycling crash again, I still have no idea how the Canadian got DSQ for causing the crash. He was way out in front and the crash happened behind him. Looks like golds will be hard to come by again, just like in Beijing last winter.
  22. Bitterness, but if it was actually done by seeding I think Mitchell would have taken it knowing what she needed to do in the end. Going early probably hurt her. But oh well. See if these ladies can do the same to her in Paris.
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