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Totallympics Medallist
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Everything posted by Adriano

  1. Finally medal for Poland in K-4 Bravo for girls! Difficult race, because weather was heavy. We have silver amd bronze in cayak, and 2 4th places. Maybe in Paris we will get olympic gold. 5 medals without athletics
  2. True. Mixed synchro swimming should be in program :D
  3. To be honest, I had a problem with this sport, but TV realisation with a good commentator is enjoyable. For me in program we should have all 3 individuals events and additional combined.
  4. For me baseball takes so many times, and have many players. Surfing is so boring in this kind of water, and TV realisation is worst than walking.... I like walking, modern pentathlon, but status for this event is not certain.
  5. Wooooow, what a suprise, so amazing! Thanks you Dawid. I will work like a zombie later, but now I am so happy. Nobody expected that medal, but Top 10 was highly possible for all 3 Polish.
  6. he was adopted by Polish mother who lives in US
  7. Great start for Poland and we finally have 10 medals. I want Ukrainian in TOP 3 ;( He deserve this, this man from Norway is a huge suprise.
  8. hahahah great info second medal in this Olympics for our LGBT community (Zillmann - Rowing, Ogar-Hill sailing). I am so proud of them
  9. It's knock out, believe me... 5 times in row.. 4th place and like American go home after round robin will hurt less
  10. Totally agree, I am support many French athletes, after Polish. But I THINK THE SAME ABOUT HIM
  11. This Games are over for me... I hate Tokyo 2020. Good luck Argentina
  12. I am more relax thanks to it, POL-FRA (volleyball) makes me so stress :D
  13. Go Duplantis!!!! You must win this! #teamSweden in pole vault
  14. Thank you! I believe in Malwina, Anita made great achievement!
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