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Everything posted by NikolaB

  1. На предстојећем ЕП у дизању тегова, које се одржава у Тирани од 28. маја, имамо свега два учесника - Тамаша Кајдочија у категорији преко 109 кг и Радмилу Загорац у категорији до 45 кг. Судећи по листи учесника и личним рекордима Радмила би можда и могла до медаље.
  2. Take a look on Swedish votes in semifinal 😉
  3. Kad smo kod britanske govnarije, vize nisu odobrene ni reprezentativcima BH koji dolaze iz RS. Ne sviđa mi se ovo uopšte
  4. Sad čitam da pola reprezentacije u tekvondou nije dobilo vize za ulazak u Britaniju, iako je savez uredno aplicirao za njih još pre mesec dana Govna britanska
  5. This Eurovision was something like elections in China with only one party take a part. We have 39 countries and Ukraine who become first fav even before their song was selected. And than it was all about Ukraine, and all others were just a pupets. Stefania is a good song and guys are great, but there was at last 10 better songs who deserved title much more. Spain, Netherlands, UK, Portugal, Serbia, Greece, Poland, Lithuania, Sweden.... I dont have nothing against Ukraine and their people, they have my full support in this war, but this was just a wrong. Thats why they are a pitty winners (again). What is next, Ukraine won FIFA world cup on same way? My winner this year is UK and congratulations to BBC who finally send a good song.
  6. This level is still to high for our national team. Well deserved wins for Japan and Ukraine in first 2 games. Maybe, but just maybe, we can beat Estonia and stay in this division, Poland is space shutle for us.
  7. Trump was much much better US president than Biden is today, so why dont give a chance to Marine in France
  8. This year is just like all others, average. There is a few good songs, some average songs and some awfull songs.
  9. Same story with your southern neighbour, Vučić destroyed all oponents and won in first round with almost 60%
  10. Znaš kako kažu, para vrti gde burgija neće.
  11. Personally I strongly dislike our president, but honestly he have a lot of good moves in couple of last years. If we talk about the economy,he did a lot of good things. Numerous factories have been opened, unemployment is quite low and living standards are generally rising. The state passed through covid quite easily and the economy even prospered. Maybe that was his biggest political achievment. His policy of cooperation with everyone and sitting on more chairs is currently yielding good results at the foreign policy level. Today, Serbia has excellent relations with Russia, China, Turkey on the one hand, but also with the United States, Germany, NATO, and this policy of military neutrality and cooperation with all is yielding results. for now. But the main problem is that the ruling party is doing all this in a rather authoritarian and undemocratic way, a lot of media is owned by them and the level of democracy in the country has stagnated for several years. An even bigger problem is that the opposition does not offer anything new, they are just lost in space. I did not vote for the ruling party this time.
  12. Parliamenetary and presidental election in Serbia are today too. There is no chance ruling SNS lost it, so nothing will change.
  13. This time I choose something different and unusual. So,its Sara Jo with "Muškarčina" for Serbia.
  14. Ne znam da li sam nešto propustio u međuvremenu ali imamo još jednog naturalizovanog rvača. Arsalan Ali Fejzula, Iranac, 27 god, kategorija do 72 kg grčko-rimski stil
  15. Its only a half million irakian childrens, but it was worth. Burn in hell bitch
  16. Ма и да је У7 то је супер изненађење
  17. Finally one good news, her place ih hell is reserved for a long time ago.
  18. I felt on my own skin what war is and unfortunatelly know very well how is feeling when superpower start agression on you land. So stay strong Ukraine, we all pray this madness finally stop.
  19. My ranking of all songs presented so far Rank 1 SERBIA Konstrakta «In Corpore Sano» 2 FRANCE Alvan & Ahez «Fulenn» 3 THE NETHERLANDS S10 «De Diepte» 4 FINLAND The Rasmus «Jezebel» 5 MONTENEGRO Vladana «Breathe» 6 GREECE Amanda Tenfjord «Die Together» 7 CYPRUS Andromache «Ela» 8 PORTUGAL Maro «Saudade, Saudade» 9 POLAND Ochman «River» 10 LITHUANIA Monika Liu «Sentimentai» 11 CZECH REPUBLIC We Are Domi «Lights Off» 12 SWEDEN Cornelia Jakobs «Hold Me Closer» 13 SPAIN Chanel «SloMo» 14 ITALY Mahmood & Blanco «Brividi» 15 NORTH MACEDONIA Andrea «Circles» 16 UKRAINE Kalush Orchestra «Stefania» 17 SAN MARINO Achille Lauro «Stripper» 18 BELGIUM Jeremie Makiese «Miss You» 19 NORWAY Subwoolfer «Give That Wolf A Banana» 20 ESTONIA Stefan «Hope» 21 CROATIA Mia Dimsic «Guilty Pleasure» 22 GERMANY Malik Harris «Rockstars» 23 ALBANIA Ronela Hajati «Sekret» 23 MOLDOVA Zdob Si Zdub & Fratii Advahov «Trenuletul» 25 BULGARIA Intelligent Music Project «Intention» 25 IRELAND Brooke «That's Rich» 25 SLOVENIA LPS «Disko» 25 AUSTRALIA Sheldon Riley «Not The Same» 25 DENMARK Reddi «The Show» 25 ROMANIA WRS «Llamame» 25 SWITZERLAND Marius Bear «Boys Do Cry» 25 GEORGIA Circus Mircus «Lock Me In» 25 UNITED KINGDOM Sam Ryder «Space Man» 34 ISRAEL Michael Ben David «I.M» 34 LATVIA Citi Zeni «Eat Your Salad» 36 AUSTRIA Lumix & Pia Maria «Halo» 36 ICELAND Sigga, Beta & Elín «Med Haekkandi Sol» 36 MALTA Emma M SERBIA Konstrakta «In Corpore Sano» 2 FRANCE Alvan & Ahez «Fulenn» 3 THE NETHERLANDS S10 «De Diepte» 4 FINLAND The Rasmus «Jezebel» 5 MONTladana «Breathe» 6 GREECE Amanda Tenfjord «Die Together» 7 CYPRUS Andromache «Ela» 8 PORTUGAL Maro «Saudade, Saudade» 9 POLAND Ochman «River» 10 LITHUANIA Monika Liu «Sentimentai» 11 CZECH REPUBLIC We Are Domi «Lights Off» 12 SWEDEN Cornelia Jakobs «Hold Me Closer» 13 SPAIN Chanel «SloMo» 14 ITALY Mahmood & Blanco «Brividi» 15 NORTH MACEDONIA Andrea «Circles» 16 UKRAINE Kalush Orchestra «Stefania» 17 SAN MARINO Achille Lauro «Stripper» 18 BELGIUM Jeremie Makiese «Miss You» 19 NORWAY Subwoolfer «Give That Wolf A Banana» 20 ESTONIA Stefan «Hope» 21 CROATIA Mia Disic «Guilty Pleasure» 22 GERMANY Malik Harris «Rockstars» 23 ALBANIA Ronela Hajati «Sekret» 23 MOLDOVA Zdob Si Zdub & Fratii Advahov «Trenuletul» 25 BULGARIA Inteligent Music Project «Intention» 25 IRELAND Brooke «That's Rich» 25 SLOVENIA LPS «Disko» 25 AUSTRALIA Sheldon Riley «Not The Same» 25 DENMARK Reddi «The Show» 25 ROMANIAWRS «Llamame» 25 WITZERLAND Marius Bear «Boys Do Cry» 25 GEORGIA Circus Mircus «Lock Me I N Ryder «Space Man» 34 SRAEL Michael Ben David « LATVIA Citi Zeni «Eat Your Salad» 3 AUSTRIA Lumix & Pia Maria «Halo» »
  20. For the first time Serbia will compete with something totally different and original. And for the very first time we will have Latin on Eurovision stage. Its Konstrakta - In corpore sano for
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