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Totallympics Medallist
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Griff88

  1. Indonesia Letto - Ruang Rindu (ENG: Longing Room) Indonesian English Di daun yang ikut mengalir lembut Terbawa sungai ke ujung mata Dan aku mulai takut terbawa cinta Menghirup rindu yang sesakkan dada Jalanku hampa dan kusentuh dia Terasa hangat oh didalam hati Kupegang erat dan kuhalangi waktu Tak urung jua kulihatnya pergi Tak pernah kuragu dan slalu kuingat Kerlingan matamu dan sentuhan hangat Ku saat itu takut mencari makna Tumbuhkan rasa yang sesakkan dada Chorus 2x: Kau datang dan pergi oh begitu saja Semua kut'rima apa adanya Mata terpejam dan hati menggumam Di ruang rindu kita bertemu Bertemu.... On the leaves which flow smoothly Carried by a river to the ends of my eyes I am getting scared being carried by love Breath in longing which suffocates me My road is empty and I touched her Feeling the warmth inside my heart I hold onto it tightly and I tried to stop the time But still I couldn't to prevent her walking away Never have I doubted and always remember Your sparkling eyes and warm touch At that time, I feared to find the meaning of These growing feels, which are suffocating me Chorus x2 You come and go so naturally, I accept the way it is I close my eyes and my heart mutters In the longing room, we would meet We would meet.... Side Note: The song is from their first album, Truth, Cry, and Lie which is released in 2006. Formed in Yogyakarta, they have released four albums so far. The vocalist, Noe, is the son of a famous poet which makes their songs really poetic and a bit hard to translate for me.
  2. I am actually have 4 or 5 songs in my mind as main candidate but after listening to some other popular band/singers my list has expanded to 12
  3. Apparently our National Games website is identical to Rio 2016 website...
  4. Malaysia was amazing with 2 golds. Sadly we don't have Malaysian members here Meanwhile another hope of Indonesian medal was lost after David Jacobs (table tennis) crashed out in the 1st knock out round
  5. My goodness.. His Mandarin Chinese is absolutely better than me (which is a shame since I'm from Chinese descent) And even he speaks Taiwanese! Not much "x speaks y language" videos features Taiwanese, it's funny to hear a language that I use quite often with my family members being spoken by a foreigner. And somehow he has the "middle-aged man speaking style" in certain parts of his speech
  6. Wow! Feels like a medley of pop song (coz I'm really into national anthems)
  7. I'm also lost And btw Toguz korgool and Mangala is just a variation of "Congklak" (Indonesian traditional game). Man, we should've sent children to those events
  8. I think there will be a livestream in this edition for ABG VTV 6 & 8 as Vietnamese main broadcaster will air some events, let's hope I can find a good stream
  9. May I kindly remind you that Egypt almost sent some doubles representatives at Rio 2016 if they weren't out from top 50. Bolivia does have a federation, but rarely participate in international events.. If I'm not mistaken Saudi Arabia is a provisional member of BWF. (must recheck it again)
  10. A hero's welcome for Indonesian medalist The airport is crowded like hell.. It's been so long since a big welcome like this organized for Olympians
  11. Another one here.. I'd love to see it. I watched a few events at the Southeast Asian Games and it is somehow exciting. And here is a suggestion to the sport program: Table tennis: As someone mentioned before, remove the team event and add the 3 doubles event. (I have more in my mind, but all of them are just conflict of interest e.g. boxing and golf)
  12. IOC is uploading lots of highlights and Rio Replays Guess we don't need to wait so long then.
  13. 365 days countdown for IOC to upload those, just like Sochi
  14. Obrigado Rio! Now let's go back normal life (Well, not really for me, because Indonesia's National Games is coming hahahaha)
  15. feel sorry for but the Nigerians also have no easy task just to play here, so I appreciate both sides. And although I'm a big fan of Germany, I'm glad Brazil win and there is no 2nd Maracanazo
  16. Ohh nooooo.. Poor Dato' Lee China still got their dominance
  17. Oh no.. The flag.... Nice sharing btw @vinipereira! I wish I could join you! Still looking forward to get a chance to be present at the next Olympics
  18. This is very frustrating for China, especially Yu Yang in this video... Only Men's Doubles that can save them now.. I don't see they can win men's Singles somehow..
  19. Thank you guys!! Winning gold on our National Day, feeling really proud
  20. And table tennis needs to work hard to be as healthy in term of dominance as badminton Boxing also need healthy judging but yeah that's different problem
  21. Ellis/Langridge to the semi finals! The Ahsan/Setiawan curse is working! I wonder what will happen to Chai/Hong...
  22. Ruth Jebet won, but just no... I'm not happy
  23. Jan Jorgensen got beaten by Srikanth, giving Indians a little hope.. And Ivanov/Sozonov defeated by Chai/Hong...
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